| 1 | | Bill | Approval Review | Amends Chapter 36 of the Denver Revised Municipal Code regarding noise control to reflect current best practices meant to protect public safety, public health, and the environment, citywide. | approved for filing | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Approval Review | Approves a Grant Agreement with The Empowerment Program for $634,880.00 and a term of 11-01-2024 to 10-31-2025 to fund the Continuum of Care Bedrock Program for permanent supportive housing programs, citywide (HOST-202577819). | approved by consent | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Resolution | Agenda Ready | A resolution approving a proposed Contract between the City and County of Denver and Colorado Village Collaborative to provide shelter operations and services for people experiencing homelessness at the La Paz Micro-Community, in Council District 7.
Approves a contract with Colorado Village Collaborative for $1,824,414.00 and a contract term of 01-01-2025 through 12-31-2025 to provide shelter operations and services for people experiencing homelessness at the La Paz Micro-Community, in Council District 7 (HOST-202577883). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 3-3-2025. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 2-5-2025. | approved by consent | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Resolution | Agenda Ready | A resolution approving a proposed Contract between the City and County of Denver and Colorado Village Collaborative to provide shelter operations and services for people experiencing homelessness at the Monroe Village Micro-Community, in Council District 9.
Approves a contract with the Colorado Village Collaborative for $1,481,203.00 and a term of 01-01-2025 through 12-31-2025 to provide shelter operations and services for people experiencing homelessness at the Monroe Village Micro-Community, in Council District 9 (HOST-202477532). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 3-3-2025. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 2-5-2025. | approved by consent | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Resolution | Agenda Ready | A resolution approving a proposed Contract between the City and County of Denver and Colorado Village Collaborative to provide shelter operations and services for people experiencing homelessness at the Steele Village Micro-Community, in Council District 9.
Approves a contract with the Colorado Village Collaborative for $1,630,527.00 and a contract term of 01-01-2025 through 12-31-2025 to provide shelter operations and services for people experiencing homelessness at the Steele Village Micro-Community, in Council District 9 (HOST-202477474). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 3-3-2025. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 2-5-2025. | approved by consent | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Resolution | Approval Review | Amends a contract with Find Solutions LLC to add $88,500.00 for a new total of $700,625.00 and add six months for a new end date of 06-30-2025 to continue to provide citywide mediation services, citywide (HRCRS-202159637/HRCRS-202477434-02). | approved by consent | |
Action details
Not available