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Meeting Name: Finance & Governance Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/16/2021 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: ,Virtual: Link Available at
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeStatusTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
21-0250 1 ProclamationAdoptedA proclamation in support of a global treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons.heard in committee  Action details Not available
21-0082 1 BillPassedA bill for an ordinance making supplemental appropriations in the General Fund to make a technical correction to restore budgeted furlough savings for elected officials. Approves a supplemental appropriation to General Fund agencies to correct a technical error and restore budgeted furlough savings for elected officials. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 3-16-21.approved for filing  Action details Not available
21-0253 1 BillPassedA bill for an ordinance making a supplemental appropriation in the Capital Improvement Fund. Appropriates $2,279,317 of Capital Improvement Fund revenue to the annual street maintenance program. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 3-16-21.approved for filing  Action details Not available
21-0254 1 BillPassedA bill for an ordinance making rescissions from and appropriations in the General Fund. Approves a rescission from General Fund Contingency of $50,000 to provide a supplemental appropriation in Human Rights and Community Partnerships to fund the balance of a grant-funded position in the Office of the Aging and authorizes a rescission of $50,000 from the Executive Director of Safety to re-appropriate budget in the Office of the Independent Monitor to fund a position supporting the Citizens Oversight Board. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 3-16-21.approved for filing  Action details Not available
21-0255 1 BillPassedA bill for an ordinance making a rescission from General Fund Contingency, making an appropriation in the General Fund, and making a cash transfer to the General Government Special Revenue Fund. Approves a rescission from General Fund Contingency of $1,150,000 to provide a cash transfer to the Risk Management Special Revenue Fund to support the replacement of City-owned total-loss vehicles. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 3-16-21.approved for filing  Action details Not available
21-0279 1 BillPassedA bill for an ordinance making a rescission from and an appropriation in the Capital Improvements and Capital Maintenance Fund. Approves the rescission and appropriation of $1 million in capital improvement funds from Welton Parking Garage Improvements (2016) to fund various infrastructure improvements and supporting activities in northeast downtown neighborhoods in Council District 9. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 4-13-21.postponed to a date certain  Action details Not available
21-0216 1 BillPassedA bill for an ordinance relocating Denver’s medical marijuana code into Chapter 6 and combining it with Denver’s retail marijuana code, renaming Chapter 6 to Alcohol Beverages and Cannabis, providing for additional local license types authorized by state law, and making conforming amendments to the Code pursuant to state law. Amends various sections of the Denver Revised Municipal Code by relocating Denver’s medical marijuana code into Chapter 6 and combining it with Denver’s retail marijuana code, renaming Chapter 6 to Alcohol Beverages and Cannabis, providing for additional local license types authorized by state law, including delivery, and making conforming amendments to the Code pursuant to state law. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 3-16-21.approved for filingFail Action details Not available
21-0217 1 BillPassedA bill for an ordinance amending the alcohol beverages and retail marijuana chapter of the Denver Revised Municipal Code to allow for the licensing and operation of marijuana hospitality businesses and retail marijuana hospitality and sales businesses within the City. Amends various sections of the Denver Revised Municipal Code to allow for the licensing and operation of marijuana hospitality businesses and retail marijuana hospitality and sales businesses within the City. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 3-16-21.approved for filing  Action details Not available
21-0222 1 BillPassedA bill for an ordinance making rescissions from and appropriations in the General Fund. Approves a rescission from General Fund Contingency of $350,000 to provide a supplemental appropriation in the Department of Excise and Licenses to support the implementation of new marijuana hospitality business licenses and marijuana delivery licenses and to modernize all marijuana license types to allow online submission; and authorizes the appropriation of $120,000 in General Fund Contingency for new revenue to be generated in 2021 through the new marijuana licenses.approved by consent  Action details Not available
21-0263 1 ResolutionAdoptedA resolution approving a proposed Amendatory Agreement between the City and County of Denver and Jaggaer, LLC f/k/a SciQuest Inc. to extend the term, increase the maximum contract amount and amend the name of contractor for the Jaggaer Contract Management software that provides for contract workflow. Amends a contract with SciQuest, Inc. doing business as Jaggaer, by adding $915,000 for a new total of $1,386,255 and five years for a new end date of 7-15-26 for the use and support of the Jaggaer Contract Management software application supporting all City agencies (TECHS-202157545). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 4-19-21. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 3-16-21.approved by consent  Action details Not available
21-0280 1 ResolutionAdoptedA resolution approving and evidencing the intention of the City and County of Denver, Colorado to issue an amount not to exceed $10,000,000 of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds for The Forum. Declares the intent of the City to issue an amount not to exceed $10 million of its Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds for The Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, or its affiliates, to support the renovations of The Forum project, an affordable multifamily apartment complex located at 250 West 14th Avenue in Council District 10. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 3-16-21.approved by consent  Action details Not available
21-0282 1 BillPassedA bill for an ordinance approving a proposed Amendatory Agreement between the City and County of Denver and the Denver Zoological Foundation, Inc. to update the payment schedule for the Zoo. Amends the Denver Zoological Foundation Parking Garage agreement and associated payment schedule as result of the refunding of the series 2010B COPs approved by City Council in December 2020. The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 4-19-21. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 3-16-21.approved by consent  Action details Not available
21-0283 1 BillPassedA bill for an ordinance approving a proposed Second Amendment to the Museum of Nature and Science Parking Garage Agreement between the City and County of Denver and The Colorado Museum of Natural History dba Denver Museum of Nature and Science to update the payment schedule for DMNS. Amends the Denver Museum of Nature and Science Parking Garage agreement and associated payment schedule as result of the refunding of the series 2010B COPs approved by City Council in December 2020. The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 4-19-21. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 3-16-21.approved by consent  Action details Not available
21-0289 1 BillPassedA bill for an ordinance approving a proposed Amendment to Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City and County of Denver and Brothers Redevelopment, Inc. to amend and modify the terms related to the City’s conveyance of the property located at 7900 East Colfax Avenue. Amends the Purchase and Sale Agreement with Brothers Redevelopment, Inc. for the disposition of 7900 E. Colfax Avenue to make technical corrections to both the legal description of the property to be conveyed and to delete affordable housing restrictions from the conveyance deed and transfer restrictions into to a revised Low-Income Housing Land Use Restriction Agreement, to achieve greater long-term affordability in Council District 5 (FINAN-201952186-00; FINAN-202056952-01). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 4-19-21. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 3-16-21.approved by consent  Action details Not available
21-0290 1 BillPassedA bill for an ordinance approving a proposed Amendment to Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City and County of Denver and Mercy Housing Mountain Plains. Amends the Purchase and Sale Agreement with Mercy Housing Mountain Plains, Inc. for the disposition of 8315 East Colfax Avenue and 1500 Valentia Street to make technical corrections to delete affordable housing restrictions from the conveyance deed and transfer restrictions into to a revised Low-Income Housing Land Use Restriction Agreement, to achieve greater long-term affordability in Council District 8 (FINAN-202053697-00; FINAN-202157898-01). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 4-19-21. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 3-16-21.approved by consent  Action details Not available
21-0292 1,.,.,lBillPassedA bill for an ordinance amending Section 53-57.1(a)(5) of the Denver Revised Municipal Code. Amends Section 53-57.1 of the Denver Revised Municipal Code to add three words inadvertently omitted from the recently passed Colorado Municipal League model ordinance language that standardized terms and taxation liability for marketplace facilitators and marketplace sellers. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 3-16-21.approved by consent  Action details Not available