Amends a contract with East Colfax Community Collective
(ECCC) to add $300,000 for a new total of $1,060,000
and add 12 months for a new end date of 12/31/2025 to
provide housing navigation and language access services
to approximately 400 households, citywide
Approves a contract with The Salvation Army (TSA) for
$1,200,000 and extending operations an additional 3
months through 3/31/25 to continue to provide staffing
to the Stone Creek (AKA Best Western) Non-Congregate
Shelter, in Council District 8 (HOST-202476604).
Amends a contract with The Salvation Army (TSA) to
reduce the contract by $808,000.00 for a new amount of
$9,282,903 and extend the term of the contract through
3/31/2025 to continue to provide the management and
oversight of the emergency shelter located at 4040
Quebec Street in Council District 8
Amends a contract with The Community Firm (DBA
Community Economic Defense Project) by adding
$806,243.00 for a new total contract amount of
$1,565,224 and extending the contract term by one
calendar year for a new end date of 12/31/2025 to
provide information on and direct access to the
Temporary Rental and Utility Assistance (TRUA) program
to households through a customer service call center
citywide (HOST-202476822-01).
Amends a Master Credit Agreement with Enterprise
Community Loan Fund Inc., and multiple lending partners
to continue the City’s participation in a fund that provides
loans to acquire properties in close proximity to public
transit for affordable housing, citywide