Safety, Housing, Education &  
Homelessness Committee  
Wednesday, August 21, 2024, 10:30 AM  
City & County Building, Council Committee Room, Room 391  
1437 Bannock Street  
Chair: Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Vice Chair: Chris Hinds  
Members: Kevin Flynn, Stacie Gilmore, Amanda P. Sandoval, Amanda Sawyer, Jamie Torres  
Staff: Anne Wallace  
Intervention Programs for Youth in Denver Briefing  
Omar Martinez, Public Safety Youth Programs, Department  
of Safety/Office of Social Equity and Innovation  
Benita Martin, Denver District Attorney's Office  
Kimberly Howard, Denver Juvenile Court  
Dr. Nicole Monroe, Office of Community Violence  
Solutions, Department of Safety/Office of Social Equity  
and Innovation  
Consent Items  
Approves the Mayoral appointment of Karin McGowan as  
Executive Director of the Department of Public Health and  
Environment, pursuant to Charter Section ยง 2.2.6 (D).  
Amends a contract with the Housing Authority of the City  
and County of Denver by adding $800,000 for a new total  
of $1,930,000 and 2 years for a new ending date of  
12-31-2026 to increase the number of units in the  
existing West Denver Renaissance Collaborative Single  
Family Plus ADU Pilot program agreement, citywide  
Amends a loan agreement with 101 Apartment  
Developers, LLC for the deferment of payments through  
the June 2027 payment and for the extension of the  
covenant term by an additional 30 years to sixty years.  
No change to the agreement amount or maturity date, in  
Council District 7  