Finance & Governance  
Tuesday, January 30, 2024, 10:30 AM  
Cathy Reynolds City Council Chamber  
1437 Bannock Street, Room 450  
Chair: Amanda Sawyer, Vice Chair: Shontel Lewis  
Members: Amanda P. Sandoval, Paul Kashmann, Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Flor Alvidrez, Jamie  
Staff: Luke Palmisano  
A Proclamation Affirming Denver’s Commitment to Human  
Rights and Support for an Immediate Ceasefire In Israel  
And Gaza  
Council members Lewis and Parady  
A Proclamation in Support of Expediting the Work  
Authorization Process for Asylum Seekers.  
Council member Watson  
Consent Items  
Amends a contract with Big Compass LLC by adding  
$600,000 for a new total of $1,000,000 for the continual  
use of on-call services to assist Technology Services with  
the MuleSoft API platform, citywide. No change to contract  
length (TECHS-202366785-01/TECHS-202472070-01).  
Approves a transfer of $200,000 from the Risk  
Management Special Revenue Fund to the Capital  
Improvement Claims Settlement Fund (38434) and  
appropriates the transferred amount to support bridge  
maintenance projects, citywide.  
Establishes a new fund, the Claims Settlement Capital  
Improvement Fund (38434), in the Grant and Other Money  
Project Fund Series, citywide.  
Appropriates $682,400 from the Colorado Department of  
Local Affairs (DOLA) to fund the Community Services Block  
Grant program, citywide.