Safety, Housing, Education  
& Homelessness Committee  
Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 10:00 AM  
Chair: Stacie Gilmore, Vice Chair Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez  
Members: Kevin Flynn, Sarah Parady, Amanda Sawyer, Jamie Torres, Darrell Watson  
Staff: Anne Wallace  
9 -  
Flynn, Gilmore, Gonzales-Gutierrez, Parady, Sawyer, Torres, Watson, Lewis,  
Romero Campbell  
Action Items  
Approves a master lease agreement with 4040 Quebec LLC as the lessor  
for 1 year plus a 3 month extension with a monthly rental payment of  
$83,333.33 for the lease of a 300 room hotel to help meet the goals of the  
House 1000 Homelessness Initiative, in Council District 8.  
A motion offered by Councilmember Watson, duly seconded by Councilmember  
Torres, that Council Resolution 23-1490 be approved for filing, carried by the  
following vote:  
7 - Flynn, Gilmore, Gonzales-Gutierrez, Parady, Sawyer, Torres, Watson  
Approves an option agreement with 4040 Quebec LLC as the grantor  
giving the City and County of Denver the option to purchase the property  
during the term of the lease (FINAN-202370700) for $43,000,000. The  
lease of the hotel is to help meet the goals of the House 1000  
Homelessness Initiative, in Council District 8. FINAN-202370701.  
A motion offered by Councilmember Watson, duly seconded by Councilmember  
Torres, that Council Resolution 23-1500 be approved for filing, carried by the  
following vote:  
7 - Flynn, Gilmore, Gonzales-Gutierrez, Parady, Sawyer, Torres, Watson  
Approves a contract with The Salvation Army for $4,000,000 with a term  
ending on 03-31-2025 to provide funding for the Denver Transformational  
Rapid-Rehousing program for people experiencing unsheltered  
homelessness, citywide. HOST-202369421.  
A motion offered by Councilmember Flynn, duly seconded by Councilmember  
Watson, that Council Resolution 23-1529 be approved for filing, carried by the  
following vote:  
7 - Flynn, Gilmore, Gonzales-Gutierrez, Parady, Sawyer, Torres, Watson  
Overview of City's Homelessness Outreach Efforts  
Consent Items  
Amends a contract with Colorado Coalition for the Homeless (202157444)  
to add $3,900,000 for a new total of $14,141,667 and a new end term of  
12-31-2024 provides supportive services, treatment, case management,  
housing placement, utility and other housing stability related financial  
assistance, and housing for individuals experiencing chronic  
homelessness, citywide. HOST-202370439-02.  
Council Resolution 23-1530 was approved by consent  
Amends a contract with the Salvation Army (202057236) to add  
$2,750,000 for a new total of $4,400,000 and adding 12 months for a new  
end term of 12-31-2024 to provide rapid rehousing to individuals  
experiencing homelessness through individualized case plans that focus on  
housing navigation, benefit navigation, and rental assistance, citywide.  
A motion offered that Council Resolution 23-1532 be approved by consent en  
bloc, carried by the following vote:  
Amends a contract with The St. Francis Center (202057238) to add  
$1,342,000 for a new total of $4,261,000 and extends the contract for 1  
additional year with a new end date of 12-31-2024 to provide operational  
and programmatic support of the day shelter and rapid housing resolution  
programs, citywide. 202370658-01.  
Council Resolution 23-1533 was approved by consent  
Approves a revenue grant agreement with the United States Department of  
Housing and Urban Development for $677,031 and a term of 1 year ending  
on 10-31-2024 to provide permanent supportive housing through two  
subcontractors, The Empowerment Program and WellPower, Citywide.  
A motion offered that Council Resolution 23-1534 be approved by consent en  
bloc, carried by the following vote: