Safety, Housing, Education
& Homelessness Committee
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 10:30 AM
Chair: Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Vice Chair: Chris Hinds
Members: Kevin Flynn, Stacie Gilmore, Amanda P. Sandoval, Amanda Sawyer, Jamie Torres
Staff: Anne Wallace
9 -
Gonzales-Gutierrez, Flynn, Gilmore, Sawyer, Sandoval, Torres, Kashmann, Parady,
Romero Campbell
1 - Hinds
Action Items
Amends Section 16-22 of the Denver Revised Municipal Code (DRMC)
regarding an increase to the emergency telephone charge in an amount not
to exceed the threshold set by the public utilities commission, citywide.
A motion offered by Council member Sawyer, duly seconded by Council member
Gilmore, that Council Bill 25-0260 be approved for filing, carried by the following
6 - Gonzales-Gutierrez, Flynn, Gilmore, Sawyer, Sandoval, Torres
1 - Hinds
Consent Items
Amends a loan agreement between the City and County of Denver and
Atlantis Community Foundation that modifies the covenant and collateral
documents, in Council District 3.
Council Resolution 25-0257 was approved by consent.
Approves a contract with Jewish Family Services of Colorado for
$2,856,000.00, with an annual budget of $952,000.00, and a term of
01-01-2025 through 12-31-2027 to administer their Rapid Rehousing
Program for families and individuals, citywide (HOST-202578285).
Council Resolution 25-0258 was approved by consent.