Safety, Housing, Education &
Homelessness Committee
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 10:30 AM
City & County Building, Council Committee Room, Room 391
1437 Bannock Street
Chair: Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Vice Chair: Chris Hinds
Members: Kevin Flynn, Stacie Gilmore, Amanda P. Sandoval, Amanda Sawyer, Jamie Torres
Staff: Anne Wallace
Update on the Office of Neighborhood Safety in the Office
of Social Equity and Innovation
Dr. Ben Sanders, Office of Social Equity & Innovation;
Daelene Mix, Office of Social Equity & Innovation; Brian
Firooz, Office of Social Equity & Innovation
Consent Items
Amends a contract with Savio House to add $200,000.00
for a new total of $808,000.00 and add one year for a new
end date of 09-30-2025 to continue prevention program
services through Promoting Safe and Stable Families
(PSSF) of community-based family support services, family
preservation services, time-limited family reunification
services, and adoption promotion and support services in
accordance with PSSF funding requirements. Services
provided in this agreement are identified in a State
Memorandum of Understanding for the State Collaborative
Management Program operating in Denver County known
as the Denver Collaborative Partnership (DCP), where
Denver Human Services is one of several mandated
partners, citywide