Finance & Governance
Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 10:30 AM
Chair: Amanda Sawyer, Vice Chair: Shontel Lewis
Members: Amanda P. Sandoval, Paul Kashmann, Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Flor Alvidrez, Jamie
Staff: Luke Palmisano
Consent Items
Approving the City Council re-appointment of Nicholas Webber to the
Citizen Oversight Board
Council Resolution 23-1826 was approved by consent
Approves a master purchase order with Safeware, Inc., for $2,000,000 and
ending 4-01-2026, with two (2) one-year extensions not exceeding
4-01-2028, for the purchase of various goods, equipment, and related
services needed for public safety and emergency preparedness including
personal protective and civil disturbance equipment, explosive device
mitigation and remediation equipment, and decontamination equipment,
citywide. (SC-00008651)
Council Resolution 23-1830 was approved by consent
Amends a Master Purchase Order with Vance Brothers, Inc., by adding
$250,000 for a new total of $650,000 to continue providing tack oil to be
used by the City’s Asphalt Plant to meet the increase of asphalt production,
citywide. No change to duration. (SC-00004573)
Council Resolution 23-1832 was approved by consent
Approves a Master Purchase Order with Green Flush Technologies, LLC
doing business as Green Flush Restrooms for a maximum $10,000,000
and four years ending 11-15-2027 for the purchase, delivery, and
installation of three different sizes of prefabricated restrooms for Denver
Parks and Recreation, citywide. (SC-00008561)
Council Resolution 23-1833 was approved by consent
Approves a Master Purchase Order with Parkland USA Corporation for a
maximum of $60,000,000 and through 12-31-2024 plus four (4) one-year
renewals through 12-21-2028 to provide fuel to various locations, citywide.