Finance & Governance  
Tuesday, January 2, 2024, 10:30 AM  
City & County Building, Council Chambers, Room 450  
Chair: Amanda Sawyer, Vice Chair: Shontel Lewis  
Members: Amanda P. Sandoval, Paul Kashmann, Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Flor Alvidrez, Jamie  
Staff: Luke Palmisano  
State Legislative Preview  
Adam Burg, Director of Federal & State Affairs, Mayor's  
Consent Items  
Establishes the 2023 City mill levy for property taxes due  
in 2024.  
Establishes the 2023 Denver Public Schools mill levy for  
property taxes due in 2024.  
Establishes the 2023 Special Districts mill levy for  
property taxes due in 2024.  
Approves the capital equipment purchase of a vehicle  
from the Risk Management Fund (SRF 11838) to support  
the Department of Parks and Recreation, citywide.  
Amends a contract with Claims Management Resource  
Inc. to add $600,000 for a new total of $1,500,000 and 2  
additional years for a new end term of 12-31-2025 to  
provide auto and property subrogation services, citywide.  
FINAN-202371009-01 (FINAN-201845580)