Approves the 2025 annual costs of continuing care, operation,
repair, maintenance and replacement of the 22nd Street and
Park Avenue West Pedestrian Mall Local Maintenance District,
in Council District 9.
Approves the 2025 annual costs of continuing care, operation,
repair, maintenance and replacement of the South Broadway
Streetscape (Arizona Avenue to Iowa Avenue) Local
Maintenance District, in Council District 7.
Relinquishes a portion of the wastewater easement established
in the Wastewater Easement and Indemnity Agreement
Reception No. 9900055428 located at 4602 South Syracuse
Street, in Council District 4.
Amends a contract with AECOM Technical Services, Inc., by
adding $40,410 for a new total of $993,668.00 with no change
to contract duration and adding additional scope to revise and
resubmit design drawings for Peoria Multimodal Improvement
between Albrook Drive and 56th Avenue, in Council Districts 8
and 11 (DOTI-202476548/201948462-01).
Amends an on-call contract with Downtown Denver Business
Improvement District by adding $1,000,000 for a new total of
$5,000,000 with no change to contract duration to continue to
identify, acquire, store and install certain furnishings, fixtures
and equipment for the 16th Street Mall renovation project, in
Council District 10 (202367420/202476378).
Amends the Lease Agreement with Quebec Hospitality, LLC, by
adding $11,592,000 for a new total of $17,432,700 and 23
months for a new ending date of 12-31-25 for the
non-congregate navigation center at 4685 Quebec Street, in
Council District 9 (FINAN-202266264-01/FINAN202474294-01).
Approves a contract with Travelers Casualty and Surety
Company of America for $500,000 and ending 12-31-2029 for
the purchase of surety bond payable to the State of Colorado
as part of the City’s Workers’ Compensation self-insured
employer permit (FINAN-202476018).
Amends a contract with Point b(e) Strategies, LLC., by adding
$50,000 for a new total of $940,000 with no change to contract
duration, to continue to provide grant writing services,
citywide (202265166/202474733).