Safety, Housing, Education &  
Homelessness Committee  
Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 10:30 AM  
Cathy Reynolds City Council Chamber  
1437 Bannock Street, Room 450  
Chair: Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Vice Chair Sarah Parady  
Members: Kevin Flynn, Stacie Gilmore, Amanda Sawyer, Jamie Torres, Darrell Watson  
Staff: Anne Wallace  
Department of Housing Stability briefing on Loan  
Agreement for Mobile Home Park Acquisition  
Justin Hill, Department of Housing Stability  
Consent Items  
Approves a loan agreement with Mental Health Center of  
Denver, doing business as WellPower in the amount of  
$3,100,000 and a maturity date of 60 years from date of  
the Promissory Note and repayment forgiven so long as  
borrower is in compliance with all terms and conditions  
of Agreement, to assist with the development and  
construction of sixty (60) affordable rental dwelling units  
known as Sheridan Supportive Housing, in Council  
District 3. (HOST-202472724)  
Approves as grant agreement with the State of Colorado,  
Department of Local Affairs, in the amount of $2,000,000  
and ending 9-30-2026, through the Transformational  
Homelessness Response (THR) grant program to connect  
people experiencing homelessness with services,  
treatment, and temporary and permanent housing  
citywide. (HOST-202472251)  
Amends a purchase order with Michaels of Denver  
Catering Inc. to add $350,000 for a new total of  
1,350,000 for the purchase of meals for guests at the  
City’s migrant shelters, citywide. No change to length or  
purchase order (PO-00132255).  
Amends a purchase order with Colorado Hospitality  
Services Inc. to add $500,000 for a new total of  
$1,425,000 and 90 additional days for a new end date of  
6-30-2024 for the purchase of meals for guests at the  
City’s migrant shelters, citywide (PO-00141469).