Council District 3.
Denver International Airport
Amends a contract with Garage Door Specialties Inc. to add
$500,000.00 for a new total of $1,500,000.00 to include a
new annual inspection and preventive maintenance program
for overhead and rollup door services to support Denver
International Airport, in Council District 11. No change to
contract duration (PLANE-202056930/202476508).
Department of Housing Stability
Amends a loan agreement between the City and County of
Denver and Atlantis Community Foundation that modifies the
covenant and collateral documents, in Council District 3.
Approves a contract with Jewish Family Services of Colorado
for $2,856,000.00, with an annual budget of $952,000.00,
and a term of 01-01-2025 through 12-31-2027 to administer
their Rapid Rehousing Program for families and individuals,
citywide (HOST-202578285).
Department of Transportation and Infrastructure
Dedicates two City-owned parcels of land as Public
Right-of-Way as 1) Public Alley, bounded by North Corona
Street, East 9th Avenue, North Ogden Street, and East 8th
Avenue, and 2) North Corona Street, located near the
intersection of North Corona Street and East 9th Avenue, in
Council District 10.
Denver Economic Development and Opportunity
Approves an Intergovernmental Agreement with Community
College of Denver (CCD) for $781,962.00 and a term of
11-1-2024 through 6-30-2025 to support the Denver
Construction Careers Program Incumbent Worker Training
program, citywide (OEDEV-202477257).
Approves a contract agreement with The East Denver Colfax
Partnership dba The Fax Partnership for $870,000.00 through
12-31-2026 using the City’s Community Planning and
Development (CPD) Investment Impact Special Revenue Fund
(II-SRF) to support small businesses economically impacted
by the East Colfax Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) construction
project, in Council Districts 5,8,9 and 10