Land Use, Transportation &  
Infrastructure Committee  
Tuesday, October 24, 2023, 1:30 PM  
Cathy Reynolds City Council Chamber  
1437 Bannock Street, Room 450  
Chair: Amanda P. Sandoval, Vice-chair: Darrell Watson  
Members: Flor Alvidrez, Diana Romero Campbell, Chris Hinds, Paul Kashmann, Jamie Torres  
Staff: Luke Palmisano  
Regional Transportation District Presentation  
Debra A. Johnson, Regional Transportation District; Dr.  
Joel Fitzgerald, Regional Transportation District; Michael  
Davies, Regional Transportation District  
Consent Items  
Approves a contract with OZ Architecture, Inc. for  
$3,400,451 and a term of 3 years for design services for  
the renovation of the Richard T. Castro building, in  
Council District 1. 202369497.  
Relinquishes a portion of the vacated South Glencoe  
Street and South Grape Street Avenue easements  
between Leetsdale Drive and East Dakota Avenue  
establised in the Vacating Ordinance No. 434, Series of  
1979 located at 5301 Leetsdale Drive, in Council District  
Relinquishes a portion of an easement reserved in  
Ordinance No. 86, Series of 1979 and Ordinance No. 438,  
Series of 1990 located at 3701 West 16th Avenue, in  
Council District 3.  
Dedicates a privately-owned easement parcel of land as  
public right-of-way as South Colorado Boulevard, located  
near the intersection of South Colorado Boulevard and  
East Wesley Avenue, in Council District 6.