Safety, Housing, Education
& Homelessness Committee
Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 10:30 AM
Chair: Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Vice Chair: Chris Hinds
Members: Kevin Flynn, Stacie Gilmore, Amanda P. Sandoval, Amanda Sawyer, Jamie Torres
Staff: Anne Wallace
7 - Gonzales-Gutierrez, Hinds, Flynn, Gilmore, Sawyer, Parady, Watson
2 - Sandoval, Torres
Briefing on Drug Overdose Data and Trends
Consent Items
Approves a Grant Award from the Colorado Department of Public Safety,
Colorado Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (CATPA) accepting
$951,750 in funds to address motor vehicle theft and authorizes the
purchase of capital equipment, citywide (POLIC-202476336).
Council Bill 24-1773 was approved by consent.
Amends a Salvation Army Connection Center contract to add $500,000 for
a new contract total of $1,621,211 and extends the contract for an
additional year through 12/31/25, to provide family households with
immediate access to triage assessment, initial intakes, appointments,
information and referrals for community programs and services that deliver
resources for people experiencing hunger, homelessness and precarious
housing, citywide. (HOST-202477088-03).
Council Resolution 24-1775 was approved by consent.