Amends the Denver Revised Municipal Code Section
14-1409 concerning salary and benefits of county court
magistrates, citywide.
Amends a contract with Maple Star Colorado, doing
business as Clarvida, by adding $175,000 for a new total
of $1,054,000 and 8 months for a new ending date of
2-28-2025 to ensure home studies are performed by
state-trained and certified social workers, and to continue
providing face-to-face contact visits for children in out of
home care to ensure children’s wellbeing and safety are
met, citywide.
Amends an agreement with U.S. Motel Denver North,
Inc., by adding one year for a new ending date of
3-31-2026 and $1,000,000 for a new total of $2,615,000
to provide units for non-congregate shelter for individuals
and families when the City’s emergency shelter beds are
full through the established non-congregate shelter
program, citywide (202367041/202476685-04).
Amends a contract with The Empowerment Program, Inc.,
adding $1,027,324 for a new total of $2,377,324 and
adding 24 months for a new ending date of 12-31-2026
to continue to provide trauma informed and gender
responsive care management services to residential and
non-residential participants at Project Elevate, in Council
District 8 (SAFTY-202160054-00/SAFEY-202476316-01).
Approves a grant agreement with Colorado Department of
Labor and Employment Office of Economic Security -
Refugee Services Program for the Unaccompanied
Refugee Minor (URM/URMP) Program for $2,384,800.93
to increase better outcomes and services through
placement payments, URM support and services including
Independent Living Program costs, emergency cash
assistance, and City and County of Denver staff costs,
citywide (SOCSV2024-76830-00).