Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 10:25 AM
Subject: Tobacco Free Update

Attachments: McDavid Clarence.vcf
It has been a long time since I have sent an update on the Tobacco Free policy.  The reason that I am sending out this information at this time is that we are getting lax in our enforcement of the policy.  I am aware of employees going out at all times of the day to smoke.  This violates our tobacco free policy that clearly states that the only time that someone can use tobacco is during unpaid time.  The only unpaid time is a meal break.  I can see people going out to smoke more than once in each day.
We cannot allow employees to go out and use tobacco during multiple times a day.  We are now disciplining employees for these violations and we expect that you as managers will enforce our policy.  It is also important to remember that there are resources available for employees who use tobacco.  For those who cease using tobacco for greater than six months there is a $500.00 bonus.  Please remind your staff that as a healthcare institution we are concerned about their overall health and well being.
Please make the effort to enforce our tobacco free policy.  It is a key element of our jobs to make sure that policies are upheld.
Clarence G. McDavid
Vice President, Human Resources
Rose Medical Center
303-320-7404 Fax
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