Alvidrez, Flynn, Hinds, Kashmann, Lewis, Parady, Romero
Campbell, Sandoval, Sawyer, Torres, Watson (11)
(None) (0)
Gilmore, Gonzales-Gutierrez (2)
A motion offered by Council member Lewis, duly seconded by Council member
Hinds, that Council Bill 24-0898 be placed upon final consideration and do pass, was
followed by a motion offered by Council member Torres, duly seconded by Council
member Flynn, that Council Bill 24-0898 be amended in the following particulars:
"1. On page 1, line 7, strike "for an additional ten-year period".
2. On page 1, line 13, insert: "(the "Creation Ordinance")".
3. On page 1, line 29, strike "for another ten-year period".
4. On page 2, line 1, strike "for another ten-year term, which shall run
through December 31, 2034 (the "Renewal Term") and replace with "in excess of
the requested term described in the Renewal Resolution"
5. On page 2, strike lines 4 through 8 and replace with the following " in perpetuity.
The District shall continue to act in conformance with the Creation Ordinance and
Section 12 of Article 25 of Title 31, Colorado Revised Statutes, as each may be
amended from time to time.""
The motion to amend carried by the following vote:
Alvidrez, Flynn, Hinds, Kashmann, Lewis, Parady, Romero
Campbell, Sandoval, Sawyer, Torres, Watson (11)
(None) (0)
Gilmore, Gonzales-Gutierrez (2)
A motion offered by Council member Lewis, duly seconded by Council member
Hinds, that Council Bill 24-0898 be ordered republished as amended, carried by the
following vote:
Ordered published as amended
Alvidrez, Flynn, Hinds, Kashmann, Lewis, Parady, Romero
Campbell, Sandoval, Sawyer, Torres, Watson (11)