Safety, Housing, Education &
Homelessness Committee
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 10:30 AM
City & County Building, Council Committee Room, Room 391
1437 Bannock Street
Chair: Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Vice Chair: Chris Hinds
Members: Kevin Flynn, Stacie Gilmore, Amanda P. Sandoval, Amanda Sawyer, Jamie Torres
Staff: Anne Wallace
Committee canceled. Consent agenda included.
Consent Items
Amends a professional service agreement with Nicoletti
Flater Professional Limited Liability Partnership to add
$623,334.00 for a new total of $2,923,334.00 and add 18
months for a new end date of 09-30-2026 to continue
providing employee support services to Denver first
responders under the Department of Public Safety,
citywide (SAFTY-202578221-03/SAFTY-202158007-00).
Amends an Intergovernmental Agreement with Denver
Health and Hospital Authority to add $2,400,000.00 for a
new total of $7,513,900.57 and add one year for a new
end date of 12-31-2025 to continue to provide
EMTs/paramedics and vans for the Support Team Assisted
Response (STAR) program, citywide
Amends a contract with Bayaud Enterprises, Inc. (BEI) to
add three months for a new end date of 03-31-2025 to
continue funding the operational and programmatic
services for a 200-unit Non-Congregate Shelter (NCS),
located at 4849 Bannock St, Denver, CO 80216, in
Council District 9. No change to contract amount.