Safety, Housing, Education &  
Homelessness Committee  
Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 10:30 AM  
City & County Building, Council Committee Room, Room 391  
1437 Bannock Street  
Presentation on the Denver Basic Income Program  
Mark Donovan, Marie Sierra, Gwen Battis, and Nick  
Pacheco, Denver Basic Income Project  
Consent Items  
Amends a contract with Tribe Recovery Homes by adding  
$207,153.94 for a new total of $607,153.96 and 15  
months for a new ending date of 9-30-2025 to provide  
recovery support services and immediate intervention  
centered around housing, transportation assistance and  
connections to providers to individuals re-entering the  
community, citywide  
Amends a contract with Mile High Council on Alcoholism  
and Drug Abuse by adding $381,434.72 for a new total of  
$1,521,268.67 and 15 months for a new ending date of  
9-30-2025 to provide clinical oversight, supervision, and  
direct services to individuals in custody as part of the  
Recovery in a Secure Environment (RISE) Program,  
citywide (SHERF-2023054980/202474212-04).  
Amends a contract with The Empowerment Program, Inc.,  
by adding $193,472.16 for a new total of $806,825.37  
and 15 months for a new ending date of 9-30-2025 to  
provide clinical oversight, supervision, and direct services  
to individuals in custody as part of the Recovery in a  
Secure Environment (RISE) Program, citywide  
Amends a contract with Mental Health Center of Denver,  
doing business as WellPower, to correct indirect expense  
reimbursement rate from 20% to 15%, citywide. No  
change to amount or length of term  