Council sat as a Committee of the Whole, commencing at 6:31 p.m., Council
President Sandoval presiding, to hear speakers on Council Bill 24-1765. Janine
Browne-Franklin, Tessa Crume, Elbra Wedgeworth, Bob Belknap, Terri Richardson,
Milo Marquez, Collene Curran, Eric Heydorn, Issac Hysten, and Sarah DeLong
signed up to speak in favor of the bill. Zachary Shadi-Kingsley, Manraj Singh, Carlos
Sandoval, Augustine Lugo, Mary P. Szarmach, Anthony Carothers, Alvertis
Simmons, Mali Tolman, LeRoy Lemos, William Dinaro, Cornelius Wright, Jesse
Parris, Brandy Majors, Stormy Sanchez, Vivek Amin, Salinder Samra, Davinder
Sandu, Mandeep Sidhu, Danish Shahid, Philip Guerin, Van Dougherty, Joel Brown,
and Yam Poudel signed up to speak in opposition of the bill.
A motion offered by Council member Gonzales-Gutierrez, duly seconded by Council
member Hinds, that Council Bill 24-1765 be placed upon final consideration and do
pass, carried by the following vote:
Placed upon final consideration and do pass
Alvidrez, Gilmore, Gonzales-Gutierrez, Hinds, Kashmann,
Lewis, Parady, Sandoval, Sawyer, Torres, Watson (11)
Flynn (1)
Romero Campbell (1)
Council President Sandoval announced that on January 13, 2025, Council will hold a
required public hearing on Council Bill 24-1372 changing the zoning classification for
2258 North Perry Street in Sloan Lake; a combined required public hearing on Council
Bill 24-1589 to amend Chapter 59 (Zoning) of the Revised Municipal Code relating to
the Denver Zoning Code and to amend and restate the Denver Zoning Code and on
Council Bill 24-1590 amending Chapter 59 of the Revised Municipal Code, concerning
regulation of land retaining zoning designation under former chapter 59 to align with
certain regulations of the Denver Zoning Code; and a 30-minute courtesy public hearing
on Council Bill 24-1765 amending Chapters 24 and 34 of the Denver Revised Municipal
Code regarding the sale of tobacco products including flavored tobacco products.
There being no further business before the City Council, Council President Sandoval
adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.