Safety, Housing, Education &  
Homelessness Committee  
Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 10:30 AM  
City & County Building, Council Committee Room, Room 391  
1437 Bannock Street  
Action Items  
Approves a contract with Haven of Hope for $5,789,308  
and a term of 8-01-2024 through 7-31-2025 to  
administer enrollment in the Denver Asylum Seeker  
Program (DASP) as well as communication with people  
seeking DASP enrollment, including waitlist management  
and providing food and personal items assistance to  
DASP participants, citywide (SOCSV-202474739-00).  
Sarah Plastino, Denver Human Services  
Approves a contract with Papagayo for $2,924,179 and a  
term of 8-1-2024 through 7-31-2025, to provide housing  
navigation, and rental and utilities assistance for  
newcomers enrolled to participate in the Denver Asylum  
Seeker Program (DASP), citywide  
Approves a contract with ViVe; ViVe Inspiring Wellness,  
also known as ViVe Wellness, for $7,863,598 and a term  
of 8-1-2024 through 7-31-2025 to provide housing  
navigation, and rental and utilities assistance for  
newcomers enrolled to participate in the Denver Asylum  
Seekers Program (DASP), citywide  
Update on Roads to Recovery  
Matthew Ball, Mayor's Office  
Consent Items  
Approves a grant agreement with the Colorado  
Department of Local Affairs through the Metro Regional  
Navigation Campus Grant Program, for $7,049,000 and  
an end date of 6-30-2026 to assist with the acquisition of  
the Denver Navigation Center which offers integrated  
services for the homeless with complex needs and long  
lengths of homelessness, in Council District 8  
Approves a grant agreement with the Colorado  
Department of Local Affairs, through the Denver-Metro  
Regional Navigation (DMRNC) grant program for  
$17,388,719 and an end date of 6-30-2026 to assist with  
the acquisition of the Denver Navigation Center which  
offers integrated services for the homeless with complex  
needs and long lengths of homelessness, in Council  
District 8 (HOST-202474261).  
Approves a revenue agreement with Colorado Department  
of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice for  
$8,212,671.40 and through 9-30-2025 or the 2024-2025  
Community Correction program to administer residential  
and non-residential services for individuals returning  
from incarceration to the City and County of Denver,  
citywide (SAFTY-202474450).  
Approves a grant agreement with the U.S. Department of  
Health and Human Services Administration for  
$7,674,296 and through 02-28-2025 concerning the Ryan  
White grant program part A response to provide care,  
treatment and supportive services to persons living with  
HIV/AIDS in the Denver Transitional Grant Area, citywide  