Land Use, Transportation &
Infrastructure Committee
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 1:30 PM
Chair: Darrell Watson, Vice-Chair: Paul Kashmann
Members: Flor Alvidrez, Chris Hinds, Sarah Parady, Amanda P. Sandoval, Jamie Torres
Staff: Luke Palmisano
Consent Items
Vacates (2) two portions of street right-of-way, with reservations. (1) One is
located at the intersection of South Newport Street and East Union Avenue
and is approximately 1,258 square feet. (1) One is located at the
intersection of South Niagara Street and East Union Avenue and is
approximately 950 square feet, in Council District 4.
Council Bill 25-0269 was approved by consent
Dedicates a City-owned parcel of land as Public Right-of-Way as Public
Alley, bounded by East Arkansas Avenue, South Logan Street, East
Louisiana Avenue, and South Grant Street, in Council District 7.
Council Resolution 25-0270 was approved by consent
Dedicates a City-owned parcel of land as Public Right-of-Way as Public
Alley, bounded by North Beach Court, West 46th Avenue, North Alcott
Street, and West 47th Avenue, in Council District 1.
Council Resolution 25-0271 was approved by consent
Dedicates two City-owned parcels of land as Public Right-of-Way as 1)
South Colorado Boulevard, located at the intersection of South Colorado
Boulevard and East Buchtel Boulevard, and 2) East Buchtel Boulevard,
located at the intersection of East Buchtel Boulevard and South Colorado
Boulevard, in Council District 6.
Council Resolution 25-0272 was approved by consent
Dedicates a City-owned parcel of land as Public Right-of-Way as Public
Alley, bounded by West 20th Avenue, North Julian Street, West 21st
Avenue, and North Irving Street, in Council District 1.
Council Resolution 25-0275 was approved by consent
Amends an Intergovernmental Agreement with Urban Drainage and Flood
Control District (UDFCD), doing business as Mile High Flood District