A motion offered by Council member Torres, duly seconded by Council member
Hinds, that Council Bill 24-1848 be placed upon final consideration and do pass en
bloc, carried by the following vote:
Placed upon final consideration and do pass
Alvidrez, Flynn, Gilmore, Gonzales-Gutierrez, Hinds,
Kashmann, Lewis, Parady, Romero Campbell, Sandoval,
Sawyer, Torres, Watson (13)
(None) (0)
Council President Sandoval announced that on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, Council will
hold a required public hearing on Council Bill 24-1794 changing the zoning classification
for 4507 North Rifle Way in Gateway - Green Valley Ranch; and a combined required
public hearing on Council Bill 24-1866 amending the Denver Zoning Code, concerning
gas stations and on Council Bill 24-1867 amending Chapter 59 (Zoning) of the Denver
Revised Municipal Code relating to limitations for certain automotive uses. Any protests
against Council Bill 24-1794 must be filed with the Council Offices no later than noon on
Tuesday, February 11, 2025.
There being no further business before the City Council, Council President Sandoval
adjourned the meeting at 3:38 p.m.
Attested by me with the Corporate Seal of the City and County of Denver
Clerk and Recorder, Ex-Officio Clerk
of the City and County of Denver