Dedicates twelve City-owned parcels of land as Public
Right-of-Way as 1) South Broadway, located at the
intersection of South Broadway and East Tennessee
Avenue, 2) South Broadway, located near the intersection
of South Broadway and West Kentucky Avenue, 3) South
Broadway, located at the intersection of South Broadway
and West Kentucky Avenue, 4) South Broadway, located
near the intersection of South Broadway and West
Kentucky Avenue, 5) South Broadway, located at the
intersection of South Broadway and East Ohio Avenue, 6)
South Bannock Street, located near the intersection of
West Exposition Avenue and South Broadway, 7) South
Bannock Street, located near the intersection of West
Exposition Avenue and South Broadway, 8) South Bannock
Street, located near the intersection of West Exposition
Avenue and South Broadway, 9) South Bannock Street,
located near the intersection of West Exposition Avenue
and South Broadway, 10) South Bannock Street, located
near the intersection of West Exposition Avenue and South
Broadway, 11) South Broadway, located near the
intersection of South Broadway and West Kentucky
Avenue, and 12) South Broadway, located near the
intersection of South Broadway and West Kentucky
Avenue, in Council District 7.
Dedicates a City-owned parcel of land as Public
Right-of-Way as West Short Place, located at the
intersection of West Short Place and North Decatur Street,
in Council District 3.
Amends and relocates a portion of the official channel of
the South Platte River in Section 28, Township 4 South,
Range 68 West, in the City and County of Denver, in
Council Districts 2 and 7.