Safety, Housing, Education &  
Homelessness Committee  
Wednesday, November 1, 2023, 10:30 AM  
City & County Building, Council Chambers, Room 450  
Chair: Stacie Gilmore, Vice Chair Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez  
Members: Kevin Flynn, Sarah Parady, Amanda Sawyer, Jamie Torres, Darrell Watson  
Staff: Anne Wallace  
Action Items  
Creates a new article VIII of Chapter 14 of the Denver  
Revised Municipal Code to provide increased protection of  
victim’s rights in municipal courts within the City and  
County of Denver and to align the Code with the  
requirements of HB 23-1222 for municipalities that  
prosecute criminal acts of domestic violence, citywide.  
There will be 15 minutes of public comment on item  
23-1620. To sign up to speak visit  
a) Briefing  
b) Public comment  
c) Discussion/Action  
Approves the Operating Agreement with Denver Health  
and Hospital Authority for fiscal year 2024 for  
$73,194,238 to provide medical, public health, and  
mental health services to residents, citywide.  
Consent Items  
Amends a contract with Colorado Health Network, Inc.  
(202368045-00) to add $2,054,000 for a new total of  
$2,483,920 and a new end term of 2-29-2024 to continue  
providing care, treatment, and supportive services to  
individuals living with HIV/AIDS, citywide.  
Amends an intergovernmental agreement with University  
of Colorado Hospital Authority (202368046-00) to add  
$863,197 for a new total of $1,050,065 and a new end  
term of 2-29-2024 to provide care, treatment, and  
supportive services to individuals living with HIV/AIDS,  
citywide. 202369751-01.  
Amends an intergovernmental agreement with Denver  
Health and Hospital Authority (202368146-00) to add  
$892,759 for a new total of $1,075,394 and a new end  
term of 2-29-2024 to provide care, treatment, and  
supportive services to individuals living with HIV/AIDS,  
citywide. 202370343-01.  
Amends a contract with RRK Enterprises Inc., operating  
as Independence House, Inc. (202056979) to increase the  
contract maximum amount by $4,600,200 for a new total  
of $9,600,200 and adding 2 years to the term for a new  
end date of 12-31-2025 to provide residential and  
non-residential community corrections services for  
individuals sentenced to community corrections and to  
those returning from prison, citywide. 202369668-01.  
Amends a grant agreement with the Colorado Department  
of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice  
(202159156-02) for $215,000 for a new total of  
$609,000 and adds one year for a new end date of  
6-30-2024 to support the Denver District Attorney’s office  
juvenile diversion program, citywide. 202370340-02.  
Approves a grant agreement with the State of Colorado  
Judicial Department, State Court Administrator for  
$539,100 and a term of 1 year to support the Denver  
District Attorney’s Adult Diversion and Correctional  
Treatment programs ending 12-31-2024, citywide.  
Amends a contract with The Salvation Army (202366561)  
to add $3,762,300 for a new total of $7,524,600 and 1  
additional year for a new end term of 12-31-2024 to be  
used to provide intake assessment and time-limited  
housing-focused case management, housing navigation  
and daily meals to families in non-congregate emergency  
shelters, citywide. 202370758-01.  
Amends a contract with the Colorado Coalition for the  
Homeless (202057227) to add $1,327,663 for a new total  
of $4,911,652 and 1 additional year for a new end term  
of 12-31-2024 to provide temporary housing and support  
to individuals and households experiencing homelessness  
who have an identified housing resource, citywide.  
Amends a contract with the Colorado Poverty Law Project  
(202159468) to add $1,000,000 for a new total of  
$2,355,152 and 1 additional year for a new end term of  
12-31-2024 to provide eviction legal defense services,  
citywide. 202370757-02.  
Amends a contract with Colorado Village Collaborative  
(202157471) to add $335,000 for a new total of  
$1,340,000 and 1 additional year for a new end term of  
12-31-2024 to continue operations and programming at  
temporary tiny home villages located at 40th Avenue and  
Monroe Street, in Council District 9. 202370795-01.  
Approves a contract with The Denver Rescue Mission for  
$9,349,000 and a term ending on 12-31-2024 to support  
the operational and programmatic activities at various  
shelter sites that assist individuals experiencing  
homelessness, citywide. 202370650.  
Approves a contract with Catholic Charities and  
Community Services of the Archdiocese of Denver, Inc.,  
operating as Catholic Charities, for $8,215623 with an  
end date of 12-31-2024 to support the operational and  
programmatic activities at various shelters that assist  
individuals experiencing homelessness, citywide.  
Approves a contract with Rocky Mountain Human Services  
for $108,040,721 and an end term of 12-31-2027 to  
provide services and supports for residents with  
intellectual and developmental disabilities, citywide.  
Approves a contract with Cicatelli Associates Inc. for  
$1,600,000 and a term end date of 8-31-2027 for the  
evaluation and reporting on the results of programming  
for recipients of the Healthy Food for Denver’s Kids  
funding, citywide. 202370675-00.