Amends a contract with Servicios de la Raza to add
$75,000.00 for a new total of $550,000.00 and add 4
months for a new end date of 04-30-2025 for the Reskill,
Upskill, New Skill (RUN) Grant, citywide
Approves an Intergovernmental Agreement with the U.S.
Department of Labor Employment and Training
Administration for $6,250,000.00 and a term ending on
09-30-2029 to allow Denver Economic Development &
Opportunity to receive $5 million in U.S. Department of
Labor H-1B funds for the training and employment of
residents of the City and County of Denver and the
Colorado Rural Workforce Consortium, citywide
Amends an agreement with Societe Air France (Air
France) for rates and charges to add 110.2 square feet of
space on A Concourse to support their international
operations at Denver International Airport, in Council
District 11. No change to agreement duration.
Amends a lease agreement with Deutsche Lufthansa
Aktiengesellschaft, d/b/a Lufthansa German Airlines for
rates and charges to add an additional 135.2 square feet
of support space on A Concourse to support the Turkish
Airlines maintenance operation at Denver International
Airport (DEN), in Council District 11. No change to
agreement duration (202370519/PLANE-202474807).
Approves a master purchase order with Progress Solar
Solutions LLC for $700,000.00 and for five years to
provide solar surveillance trailers, subscriptions and
services for airport parking security at Denver
International Airport, in Council District 11