Finance & Governance  
Tuesday, October 24, 2023, 10:30 AM  
City & County Building, Council Chambers, Room 450  
Chair: Amanda Sawyer, Vice Chair: Shontel Lewis  
Members: Amanda P. Sandoval, Paul Kashmann, Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Flor Alvidrez, Jamie  
Staff: Luke Palmisano  
Action Items  
Rescinds $14,044,000 from the General Fund  
Contingency and authorizes appropriations to the General  
Fund, the General Government Special Revenue Fund,  
Denver Arts and Venues, and the Entertainment and  
Cultural Capital Projects Fund to address unbudgeted  
needs in 2023, citywide.  
Consent Items  
Amends a contract with Versaterm Public Safety Inc.  
(202265387-01) for an additional $1,096,129.29 for a  
new total of $1,411,513.59 and extending the term by 3  
years for a new end date of 12-31-2026 for continued use  
and support of technology platforms that support Denver  
Police Department and Denver 911, citywide.  
Amends a contract with Versaterm Public Safety Inc.  
(TECHS-CE83108-06) to add $1,529,982 for a new total  
of $9,708,248 and an additional 2 years for a new end  
date of 12-31-2025 for continued use and support of the  
electronic records management system used by the  
Denver Police and Sheriffs’ Departments, citywide.  
Amends a contract with CenturyLink Sales Solutions, Inc.  
(TECHS-202158395-00) to add a discounted rate  
structure for long distance presubscribed interexchange  
carrier charge services, connectivity bandwidth speeds,  
and private IQ circuits, citywide. TECHS-202370105-01.  
Approving the City Council appointment of Alfredo Reyes  
to the Citizen Oversight Board.  
Approves the appointment and reappointment of the  
following individual to the Commission for People with  
Disabilities. The reappointment of Megan Catalforno for a  
term of 3 years, ending on 9-30-2026 and the  
appointment of Danny Combs for a term of 3 years,  
ending on 9-30-2026, citywide.  
Approves an amendment to a purchase order with  
Colorado Hospitality Services Inc. for an additional  
$8,000,000 for a new total of $15,730,000 and an  
additional 6 months for a new end term of 6-30-2024 to  
provide hotel rooms to assist with migrant sheltering  
humanitarian efforts, citywide.