Finance & Governance
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 11:00 AM
Chair: Amanda Sawyer, Vice Chair: Diana Romero Campbell
Members: Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Paul Kashmann, Shontel M. Lewis, Amanda P. Sandoval,
Darrell Watson
Staff: Luke Palmisano
Consent Items
Amends a contract with Public Service Company of Colorado, dba Xcel
Energy, to add one year for a new end date of 06-30-2026 to provide
chilled water service at the Colorado Convention Center located at 700
14th Street in City Council District 10. No change to contract amount.
Council Resolution 25-0267 was approved by consent
Amends a contract with Milender White Inc. to assign the agreement to
Milender White Construction Co. for citywide on-call drywall repair and
maintenance services. No change to contract amount or length, citywide
Council Resolution 25-0268 was approved by consent
Approves the Mayor’s reappointments to the Five Points BID. Approves
the reappointments of Haroun Cowans and Paul Brooks to the Five Points
BID for a term ending on 02-28-2029 or until a successor is duly appointed,
Council Resolution 25-0273 was approved by consent
Approves the Mayor’s appointments and reappointments to the Colfax Ave
BID. Approves the appointments of Shellie Martinez and James Starring to
the Colfax Ave BID for a term ending on 02-28-2028 or until a successor is
duly appointed. Approves the reappointment of Christopher Bishop to the
Colfax Ave BID for a term ending on 03-31-2028 or until a successor is
duly appointed, citywide.
Council Resolution 25-0274 was approved by consent
Appropriates funds in the Denver Health and Hospital Authority Tax Fund
(11892) based on projected sales tax revenue for 2025, citywide.
Council Bill 25-0298 was approved by consent