South Platte River Committee
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 1:30 PM
City & County Building, Council Committee Room, Room 391
1437 Bannock Street
Chair: Jamie Torres, Vice Chair: Sarah Parady
Members: Flor Alvidrez, Kevin Flynn, Chris Hinds, Amanda P. Sandoval, Darrell Watson
Staff: Melissa Mata
Committee not meeting. Consent agenda included.
Consent Items
Approves a Letter of Understanding with Union Pacific
Railroad Company for $5,284,125.00 and a term ending
on 05-11-2025 for the purchase of 1430 14th Street in
Denver’s Auraria Neighborhood, in Council District 3
Approves a rescission and an appropriation of
$2,698,888.50 in the Parks, Trails and Open Space
Operating Special Revenue Fund (15828) and makes a
transfer to and appropriation in the Parks Legacy
Improvement Projects Fund (36050) to be utilized for the
acquisition of 1430 14th Street, in Council District 3.
Approves the Amendatory Site Control and Option For
Ground Lease with Globeville Redevelopment Partners,
LLC located at 4965 Washington Street to add 6 months
for a new end date of 06-30-2025, and adds two parcels
the City acquired in 2024 located at 4964 North Pearl
Street and 624 East 50th Street, in Council District 9. No
change to contract amount. (FINAN-