South Platte River
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 1:30 PM
Chair: Jamie Torres, Vice Chair: Sarah Parady
Members: Flor Alvidrez, Kevin Flynn, Chris Hinds, Amanda P. Sandoval, Darrell Watson
Staff: Melissa Mata
Consent Items
Approves a Letter of Understanding with Union Pacific Railroad Company
for $5,284,125.00 and a term ending on 05-11-2025 for the purchase of
1430 14th Street in Denver’s Auraria Neighborhood, in Council District 3
Council Resolution 25-0220 was approved by consent.
Approves a rescission and an appropriation of $2,698,888.50 in the Parks,
Trails and Open Space Operating Special Revenue Fund (15828) and
makes a transfer to and appropriation in the Parks Legacy Improvement
Projects Fund (36050) to be utilized for the acquisition of 1430 14th Street,
in Council District 3.
Council Bill 25-0221 was approved by consent.
Approves the Amendatory Site Control and Option For Ground Lease with
Globeville Redevelopment Partners, LLC located at 4965 Washington
Street to add 6 months for a new end date of 06-30-2025, and adds two
parcels the City acquired in 2024 located at 4964 North Pearl Street and
624 East 50th Street, in Council District 9. No change to contract amount.
(FINAN- 202264574-01/202578039-01).
Council Resolution 25-0259 was approved by consent.