Finance & Governance  
Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 10:30 AM  
Cathy Reynolds City Council Chamber  
1437 Bannock Street, Room 450  
Chair: Amanda Sawyer, Vice Chair: Shontel Lewis  
Members: Amanda P. Sandoval, Paul Kashmann, Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Flor Alvidrez, Jamie  
Staff: Luke Palmisano  
General Services Procurement Briefing  
Elizabeth Hewes, General Services  
Briefings - Executive Session  
Litigation Update from the City Attorney's Office  
Consent Items  
Amends a contract with Flexential LLC to add  
$10,000,000 for a new total of $16,000,000 and 5  
additional years for a new end date of 7-16-2029 for  
continued use of offsite data center services, citywide  
Approves a contract with Occupational Health Centers of  
the Southwest, doing business as Concentra, for  
$3,000,000 and an end date of 12-31-2026 to provide  
medical treatment for City employees injured on the job,  
citywide (FINAN-202371567).  
Approves a contract with Peak Form LLC for $3,000,000  
and an end date of 12-31-2026 to provide medical  
treatment for City employees injured on the job, citywide  
Approves a contract with Medicine for Business and  
Industry, LLC, doing business as Workwell, for  
$3,000,000 and an end date of 12-31-2026 to provide  
medical treatment for City employees injured on the job,  
citywide (FINAN-202371565).  
Approves a contract with Injury Care Associates, LLC for  
$3,000,000 and an end date of 12-31-2026 to provide  
medical treatment for City employees injured on the job,  
citywide (FINAN-202371566).