Business, Arts, Workforce,
Climate & Aviation Services
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 1:00 PM
Chair: Shontel M. Lewis, Vice Chair: Kevin Flynn
Members: Flor Alvidrez, Stacie Gilmore, Sarah Parady, Diana Romero Campbell, Amanda P. Sandoval
Staff: Melissa Mata
8 - Lewis, Flynn, Alvidrez, Gilmore, Parady, Romero Campbell, Sandoval, Watson
Action Items
Amends a contract with the Downtown Denver Partnership, Inc. to add
$1,500,000.00 for a new total of $1,900,000.00 to provide activation
activities related to the reopening of the 16th Street Mall in Downtown
Denver. No change to contract length, Council District 10
A motion offered by Council President Sandoval, duly seconded by Vice Chair
Flynn, that Council Resolution 25-0191 be approved for filing, carried by the
following vote:
7 - Lewis, Flynn, Alvidrez, Gilmore, Parady, Romero Campbell, Sandoval
Approves a contract agreement with The East Denver Colfax Partnership
dba The Fax Partnership for $870,000.00 through 12-31-2026 using the
City’s Community Planning and Development (CPD) Investment Impact
Special Revenue Fund (II-SRF) to support small businesses economically
impacted by the East Colfax Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) construction project,
in Council Districts 5,8,9 and 10 (OEDEV-202577856-00).
A motion offered by Council member Alvidrez, duly seconded by Council
member Parady, that Council Resolution 25-0254 be approved for filing, carried
by the following vote:
7 - Lewis, Flynn, Alvidrez, Gilmore, Parady, Romero Campbell, Sandoval
Approves a contract with Peak Consulting Group, LLC for $15,000,000.00
and for five years to perform National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
and design services of Peña Boulevard between I-70 and E-470 at Denver
International Airport, in Council District 11 (PLANE-202473952).