Mayor-Council Agenda  
Tuesday, November 14, 2023 9:30 AM  
City & County Building  
Parr-Widener Community Room, Room 389  
State Legislative Special Session  
Federal Update  
City Attorney's Office -- Jennifer Jacobson & Rob Nespor  
City Council  
Luke Palmisano  
Approving the City Council appointment of Councilman  
Paul Kashmann to the Healthy Food for Denver’s Kids  
Approves the City Council reappointment of Jennie  
Rodgers to the Housing Stability Strategic Advisors.  
Community Planning and Development  
Tony Lechuga  
Approves a map amendment to rezone property from  
S-SU-D to E-TU-C located at 1021 South Hooker Street, in  
Council District 3.  
Approves a map amendment to rezone property from  
U-MS-3 to U-MS-5, located at 1227-1271 South Pearl  
Street, in Council District 7.  
Denver International Airport  
Rita Aguilar  
Amends a contract with Arthur J. Gallagher Risk  
Management Services, LLC (201628644) to extend the  
contract term 4 years for a new end date of 11-14-2027 to  
continue providing insurance, safety and loss control, and  
administrative support for the airport’s major construction  
projects, in Council District 11. PLANE-202369117.  
Amends a contract with Bayaud Enterprises, Inc.  
(PLANE-202265817) to add $9,200,000 for a new total of  
$9,626,475 and a 3-year term extension to provide  
accessible work experience within the airport to  
justice-involved individuals, in Council District 11.  
Department of Housing Stability  
Chris Lowell  
Amends a contract with Volunteers of America Colorado  
Branch (202057272) to add $965,000 for a new total of  
$4,040,000 and adding one year for a new end term of  
12-31-2024 to support the Colorado Rapid Rehousing Plus  
care program to provide rapid rehousing to individuals and  
families experiencing homelessness through individualized  
care plans that focus on housing navigation, benefit  
navigation, and rental assistance, citywide. 202370905-01.  
Amends a contract with Burgwyn Residential Management  
Services LLC (202057235) to add $200,000 for a new total  
of $800,000 and one additional year for a new end term of  
12-31-2024 to provide permanent supportive housing  
services, citywide. 202370904-01.  
Amends a contract with The Colorado Coalition for the  
Homeless (202157456) to add $566,000 for a new total of  
$2,328,219 and one additional year for a new end term of  
12-31-2024 to provide rental assistance for households  
that are experiencing homelessness, citywide.  
Amends a contract with The Colorado Coalition for the  
Homeless (202057228) to add $3,037,326 for a new total  
of $8,811,044 and one additional year for a new end term  
of 12-31-2024 for outreach services to persons  
experiencing homelessness, citywide. 202370851.  
Amends an agreement with Sheridan Homes LLC to assign  
the ongoing obligations of a loan agreement and covenant  
related to affordable housing development located at 5375  
West 10th Avenue to Archway Jody Acquisition LLC. This  
amendment creates the assumption of the agreement and  
covenant by Archway Jody Acquisition LLC and allows  
Archway Jody Acquisition to redevelop the property while  
also extending the covenant for the period of time that it  
will take to redevelop the property, in Council District 3.  
HOST-202370810-02 / GE7A090-02.  
Amends a contract with The Delores Project (202157807)  
to add $700,000 for a new total of $2,800,000 and one  
additional year for a new end term of 12-31-2024 to  
support the operational and programmatic activities at  
their residential shelter, citywide. 202370785-01.  
Amends a contract with Volunteers of America, Colorado  
Branch (202057242) to add $601,829 for a new total of  
$1,807,316 and one additional year for a new end date of  
12-31-2024 to support the operational and programmatic  
activities at Sinton’s Sanctuary, a shelter for senior women  
and women veterans experiencing homelessness, citywide.  
Department of Public Health and Environment  
Will Fenton  
Approves a grant agreement with the Centers for Disease  
Control and Prevention for $1,807,494 and an end term of  
8-31-2024 to expand overdose prevention efforts including  
harm reduction work, linkage to care services, stigma  
reduction efforts, drugs testing capacities, and  
collaboration among healthcare providers, citywide.  
Amends a revenue agreement with Waste Management  
Disposal Service of Colorado, Inc. (ENVHL-201524286-06)  
by adding 1 year for a new end date of 12-31-2024 for the  
operation of a composting facility, citywide.  
Carolina Flores  
Approves the creation of the “Denver District Attorneys  
State Grants Fund” in the Safety Special Revenue Fund  
Series to receive and administer grants from the State of  
Colorado that have a community safety purpose, citywide.  
Approves an ordinance establishing the 2024 Annual  
Appropriation (Long Bill), citywide.  
Amends Ordinance No. 591, Series of 2021, as amended  
by Ordinance No. 706, Series of 2021, as amended by  
Ordinance No. 1145, Series of 2021, as amended by  
Ordinance No. 1192, Series of 2021, as amended by  
Ordinance No. 374, Series of 2022, as amended by  
Ordinance No. 969, Series of 2022, as amended by  
Ordinance No. 1450, Series of 2022, as amended by  
Ordinance No. 0548, Series of 2023, as amended by  
Ordinance No. 1326, Series of 2023, to make allocations in  
the Recovery category from previously unallocated dollars  
in the original ARPA award, make allocations in the  
Recovery category from interest earnings, and to adjust  
allocations in the Revenue Loss and Recovery categories to  
align planned program uses with ARPA federal guidelines,  
Amends Ordinance No. 824, Series of 1990, that created  
the Theatres and Arena Special Revenue Fund to expand  
the types of allowable revenue received into the fund to  
include interest earnings, and per Ordinance No. 355,  
Series of 2011, amends outdated language per the updated  
Municipal Code, citywide.  
Amends Ordinance No. 301, Series of 1987, concerning  
the “Family Crisis Center” Special Revenue Fund (13802)  
to update outdated language to expand the allowable  
purpose of the fund, citywide.  
Amends Ordinance No. 0291, Series of 2021, as amended  
by Ordinance No. 709, Series of 2022, that created the  
Transportation and Mobility Special Revenue Fund to  
expand the allowable revenue and appropriations to the  
fund to be increased or decrease based on the prior two  
years, citywide.  
Approves a rescission of $6,000,000 from the Climate  
Protection Special Revenue Fund and authorizes an  
appropriation to transfer cash into the Climate Protection  
Capital Projects Fund (34080) to be utilized for the Colfax  
BRT capital improvement projects, citywide.  
Human Services  
Crystal Porter  
Amends a contract with Savio House  
(SOCSV-202160466-03) to add $200,000 for a new  
contract total of $608,000 and to extend the term by one  
year for a new end date of 9/30/2024 to continue fiscal  
oversite of the Denver Collaborative Partnership (DCP),  
aimed at serving youth and their families to keep youth in  
their own communities. Preserving Safe and Stable Family  
(PSSF) grant funds supports the various services required  
through DCP, citywide. SOCSV-202370312-03.  
Parks and Recreation  
Jesus Orrantia  
Amends a cooperative agreement with the RINO Arts  
District to occupy, operate, manage, and maintain the EEB  
and Interstate Buildings in Arkins Park, in Council District  
9. 202056822.  
Amends Chapter 39 of the Denver Revised Municipal Code  
regarding certain park related fees associated with use of  
facilities at Arkins Court Park, in Council District 9.  
Approves an intergovernmental agreement with Evergreen  
Fire Protection District for $1,000,000 and a term of 3  
years to provide on-call forest health and forest planning  
services, citywide. 202369051.  
Technology Services  
Joe Saporito  
Approves a contract with CentralSquare Technologies, LLC  
for $3,067,157 and for five years for licensing and support  
of the Computer Aided Dispatch software supporting  
Denver 911, citywide. 202367590-00.  
Amends a contract with ConvergeOne, Inc.  
(201844499-02) by adding $480,287.91 for a new total of  
$5,244,267.91 and one additional year for a new end term  
of 10-14-2024 to provide ongoing support and  
maintenance for the Viper 9-1-1 system, citywide.  
*indicates consent agenda item