Safety, Housing, Education &
Homelessness Committee
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 10:00 AM
Cathy Reynolds City Council Chamber 1437 Bannock Street, Room 450
Chair: Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Vice Chair Sarah Parady
Members: Kevin Flynn, Stacie Gilmore, Amanda Sawyer, Jamie Torres, Darrell Watson
Staff: Anne Wallace
NOTE: 10:00 am Early Start
Action Items
Approves a contract with Housing Connector for
$5,000,000 and an end date of 5-31-2026 to support the
All In Mile high initiative through housing navigation and
lease up coordination, while also distributing time-limited
move-in financial assistance and rental subsidies for 250
households transitioning from encampments to permanent
housing, citywide (HOST-202473776).
Cole Chandler, Mayor's Office
Prevention Programs for Youth in Denver Briefing
Meredith Fatseas and Adella Arredondo, Denver Public
Schools; Melissa Janiszewski, Office of Children's Affairs
Consent Items
Approves a contract with Colorado Coalition for the
Homeless for $1,000,000 and through 12-31-26 to address
gaps in behavioral health services with additional staff, a
technology upgrade, and staff training, citywide