Land Use, Transportation &
Infrastructure Committee
Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 1:30 PM
City & County Building, Council Committee Room, Room 391
1437 Bannock Street
Chair: Amanda P. Sandoval, Vice-chair: Darrell Watson
Members: Flor Alvidrez, Diana Romero Campbell, Chris Hinds, Paul Kashmann, Jamie Torres
Staff: Luke Palmisano
Committee canceled. Consent agenda included.
Consent Items
Approves a contract with Keene Concrete, Inc., for ADA
ramp and concrete repair for the removal and
replacement of deficient concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalk
panels, valley gutters, concrete streets, and alley
pavement, citywide (DOTI-202472432).
Approves an on-call contract with Consor Engineers. LLC
for $5,000,000 and three years to design and plan
improvements for bicycle and micromobility, pedestrian,
transit and green infrastructure in Globeville,
Elyria-Swansea, Downtown Denver and connecting
neighborhoods, in Council Districts 9 and 10
Vacates a portion of the easement established in the
Easement and Indemnity Agreement, Recordation No.
9900187774,1999 located at 4602 South Syracuse Street,
in Council District 4.