Amends a Master Purchase Order with Purcell Tire &
Rubber Company to add $2,500,000.00 for a new
maximum allowable spend of $3,500,000.00. No change
to contract length, citywide (SC-00009495).
For an ordinance approving and providing for the
execution of a proposed grant agreement between the
City and County of Denver and the State of Colorado in
the amount of $2,800,387.00 with an end date of
08-31-2027 concerning the “FY24 UASI” program and the
funding there for and authorizing the purchase of
equipment and capital equipment items from the “FY24
UASI” Special Revenue Fund budget, citywide
Establishes a budget of $11,571,248.00 based on a letter
of intent to fund the Denver Great Kids Head Start Grant
program for program year 2025-2026, citywide.
Approves the Mayor’s re-appointments of Tom McLagan
and David Brehm to the Sante Fe BID for a term of
01-01-2025 through 12-31-2027 or until a successor is
duly appointed, citywide.
Approves a contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate between
the City and County of Denver and School District No. 1
in the amount of $1,800,000.00 with an end date of
06-01-2025 for the City’s purchase of the fifth floor of the
parking garage located at 1375 Delaware Street in
Council District 10 (FINAN-202577871).
Approving the City Council reappointment of Lila Hailey
to the Head Start Policy Council.