Council sat as a Committee of the Whole, commencing at 6:05 p.m., Council
President Torres presiding, to hear speakers on Council Bill 24-0423. No speakers
signed up to speak in favor of the bill. No speakers signed up to speak in opposition
of the bill. Matthew Hussler of Community Planning and Development delivered the
staff report.
A motion offered by Council member Flynn, duly seconded by Council member
Gilmore, that Council Bill 24-0423 be placed upon final consideration and do pass,
carried by the following vote:
Placed upon final consideration and do pass
Alvidrez, Flynn, Gilmore, Gonzales-Gutierrez, Kashmann,
Lewis, Parady, Sawyer, Torres, Watson (10)
(None) (0)
Hinds, Romero Campbell, Sandoval (3)
Council sat as a Committee of the Whole, commencing at 6:13 p.m., Council
President Torres presiding, to hear speakers on Council Bill 24-0419. No speakers
signed up to speak in favor of the bill. No speakers signed up to speak in opposition
of the bill. Tony Lechuga of Community Planning and Development delivered the
staff report.
A motion offered by Council member Flynn, duly seconded by Council member
Watson, that Council Bill 24-0419 be placed upon final consideration and do pass,
carried by the following vote:
Placed upon final consideration and do pass
Alvidrez, Flynn, Gilmore, Gonzales-Gutierrez, Kashmann,
Lewis, Parady, Sawyer, Torres, Watson (10)
(None) (0)