Safety, Housing, Education
& Homelessness Committee
Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 10:30 AM
Chair: Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, Vice Chair Sarah Parady
Members: Kevin Flynn, Stacie Gilmore, Amanda Sawyer, Jamie Torres, Darrell Watson
Staff: Anne Wallace
Consent Items
Approves a contract with ViVe for $1,212,301 and an end term of
12-31-2024 to provide emergency shelter staffing and support at the
Denver Community Church for newcomer individuals and families, in
Council District 7 (SOCSV-202473779-00).
Council Resolution 24-0598 was approved by consent
Approves a grant agreement with the Executive Office of the President,
Office of National Drug Control Policy for $844,851 and with an ending
date 03-31-2026 to support initiatives of the Rocky Mountain High Intensity
Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Program, citywide (POLIC202473925).
Council Resolution 24-0698 was approved by consent
Approves an intergovernmental agreement with the Colorado State
Department of Public Health and Environment to accept the Public Health
Emergency Preparedness Program grant award for $575,717 and through
06-30-25 to improve medical and public health care preparedness and
response capabilities, citywide (ENVHL-202473629).
Council Bill 24-0701 was approved by consent