Land Use, Transportation &
Infrastructure Committee
Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 1:30 PM
Chair: Amanda P. Sandoval, Vice-chair: Darrell Watson
Members: Flor Alvidrez, Diana Romero Campbell, Chris Hinds, Paul Kashmann, Jamie Torres
Staff: Luke Palmisano
Consent Items
Approves a contract with Keene Concrete, Inc., for $2,697,005 and +200
days for the ADA ramp and concrete repair for the removal and
replacement of deficient concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalk panels, valley
gutters, concrete streets, and alley pavement, citywide (DOTI-202472432).
Council Resolution 24-0756 was approved by consent.
Approves an on-call contract with Consor Engineers. LLC for $5,000,000
and three years to design and plan improvements for bicycle and
micromobility, pedestrian, transit and green infrastructure in Globeville,
Elyria-Swansea, Downtown Denver and connecting neighborhoods, in
Council Districts 9 and 10 (DOTI-202472891).
Council Resolution 24-0757 was approved by consent.
Vacates a portion of the easement established in the Easement and
Indemnity Agreement, Recordation No. 9900187774,1999 located at 4602
South Syracuse Street, in Council District 4.
Council Bill 24-0758 was approved by consent.
Amends an on-call contract with J & K Trucking LLC by adding $3,750,000
for a new total of $10,000,000 and 250 days for a new ending date of
5-08-2025 to provide hauling services, including labor and trucks as
requested for milling, paving, and other operations, citywide
(DOTI-202474176-02 (DOTI-202159927-02).
Council Resolution 24-0759 was approved by consent.