A motion offered by Council member Lewis, duly seconded by Council member
Hinds, that Council Bill 24-0878 be placed upon final consideration and do pass, was
followed by a motion offered by Council President Pro Tem Romero Campbell, duly
seconded by Council member Flynn, that Council Bill 24-0878 be postponed until
January 27, 2025. The motion to postpone carried by the following vote:
Postponed to a date certain
Alvidrez, Flynn, Gilmore, Gonzales-Gutierrez, Hinds,
Kashmann, Lewis, Romero Campbell, Sandoval, Torres,
Watson (11)
(None) (0)
Parady, Sawyer (2)
Council President Sandoval announced that on Monday, October 21, 2024, Council will
hold a required public hearing on Council Bill 24-1142 approving a proposed
Development Agreement between the City and County of Denver, Kroenke Arena
Company LLC, Kroenke Parking LLC and Fifth Street Ltd LLC, for the redevelopment of
land surrounding and adjacent to the sports arena located at 1000 Chopper Circle, in
Council District 3; a required public hearing on Council Bill 24-1143 approving an
amendment to the Development Agreement between the City and County of Denver and
KSE Elitch Gardens / Revesco / Second City, LLLP, in Council District 3; and a required
public hearing on Council Bill 24-1169 approving the respective Service Plans for the
proposed Kroenke Sports and Entertainment Metropolitan District Nos. 1-5.
There being no further business before the City Council, Council President Sandoval
adjourned the meeting at 8:16 p.m.