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File #: 22-1084    Version: 1
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
File created: 9/4/2022 In control: Land Use, Transportation & Infrastructure Committee
On agenda: 9/26/2022 Final action: 9/26/2022
Title: A resolution approving a proposed Amendatory Agreement between the City and County of Denver and Gerald H. Phipps, Inc. to continue providing Construction Manager/General Contractor services for renovation of the Denver Public Library Central Library as part of the Elevate Denver Bond program, in Council District 10. Amends a contract with Gerald H. Phipps, Inc. by adding $8,275,993 for a new total of $53,275,993 to continue providing Construction Manager / General Contractor (CM/GC) services for renovation of the Denver Public Library Central Library as part of the Elevate Denver Bond program, in Council District 10. No change to contract duration. (DOTI-202053365-01/ 202264251-01). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 10-17-2022. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 9-13-2022.
Indexes: Lucas Palmisano
Attachments: 1. RR22-1084_DOTI_202264251-01 Ordinance Request, 2. 22-1084 Filed Resolution Gerald H. Phipps, Inc. 202264251-01, 3. 22-1084 Amendatory Agreement GH Phipps Inc. 202264251-01, 4. 22-1084 Filed Resolution Gerald H. Phipps, Inc. 202264251-01, 5. 22-1084 - signed

Contract Request Template (Contracts; IGAs; Leases)


Date Submitted: 9-12-2022


Requesting Agency: Department of Transportation and Infrastructure



Subject Matter Expert Name: Curt Winn
Email Address:
Phone Number:


Item Title & Description:

(Do not delete the following instructions)

These appear on the Council meeting agenda. Initially, the requesting agency will enter a 2-3 sentence description. Upon bill filling, the City Attorney’s Office should enter the title above the description (the title should be in bold font).


Both the title and description must be entered between the red “title” and “body” below.  Do not at any time delete the red “title” or “body” markers from this template.


A resolution approving a proposed Amendatory Agreement between the City and County of Denver and Gerald H. Phipps, Inc. to continue providing Construction Manager/General Contractor services for renovation of the Denver Public Library Central Library as part of the Elevate Denver Bond program, in Council District 10.

Amends a contract with Gerald H. Phipps, Inc. by adding $8,275,993 for a new total of $53,275,993 to continue providing Construction Manager / General Contractor (CM/GC) services for renovation of the Denver Public Library Central Library as part of the Elevate Denver Bond program, in Council District 10. No change to contract duration. (DOTI-202053365-01/ 202264251-01). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 10-17-2022. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 9-13-2022.



Affected Council District(s) or citywide? 10


Contract Control Number: DOTI-202064251-01 (DOTI-202053365-01)


Vendor/Contractor Name (including any “DBA”): Gerald H. Phipps, Inc.


Type and Scope of services to be performed:


The original portion of Central Library was constructed in the 1950’s, but the majority of the building addition was built in the mid-1990’s.  The interior layout is dated as library usage patterns have evolved significantly in recent years, and the current layout does not meet the needs of the current and growing service area population. 


The scope includes addressing significant safety and security issues, correcting deferred maintenance and reconfiguring the building to allow for modern library programs, services and resources. This phase of the project concentrates on infrastructure and deferred maintenance throughout the 540,000-square-foot building but reconfiguration of spaces for safety, security and programs in the basement and first floors only.



In December 2021, the Central Library Renovation project received an additional $10M of funding. $5M of funding was CIP funds and the remaining $5M was from the Elevate Denver Bond Program. This allows the project to proceed with design and construction of scope that was contemplated in the original construction phasing plan but was value-engineered from the project in 2020 due to insufficient budget. After receiving the new funding, the first step was to have City Council approve additional funds to complete the design on these VE’d scope items. City Council approved the design funds in December 2021 and design was completed in April 2022. The completed designs have been vetted with the project design and construction teams and have been competitively bid by the general contractor. Therefore, the project team is requesting to increase the maximum construction contract amount for GH Phipps.


Previous scope approved by City Council, for which $7M is being requested, includes: Interior Vestibules at Broadway and Acoma Entrances, New Security Offices on First Floor, Upgrades to Commons Area, Grand Staircases from Level 1 to Level 3, Staircase from Level 3 to Level 4, and Removal of Existing Escalators.


Additionally, $500K is being requested to provide capacity for a fully-funded FIT project. This FIT project could be completed more efficiently by using the general contractor currently mobilized at Central Library.



Location (if applicable): Denver Central Library, 10 W. 14th Avenue, Denver, CO 80204


WBE/MBE/DBE goals that were applied, if applicable (construction, design, Airport concession contracts): MWBE


Are WBE/MBE/DBE goals met (if applicable)? 18% The subcontractor team has not yet been selected for this project. The General Contractor, Gerald H. Phipps, Inc., has committed to meeting the M/WBE goal and the Workforce goal for the project.


Is the contract new/a renewal/extension or amendment? Amendment


Was this contractor selected by competitive process or sole source?


For New contracts

Term of initial contract:


Options for Renewal:

                     How many renewals (i.e. up to 2 renewals)?

                     Term of any renewals (i.e. 1 year each):


Cost of initial contract term:


Cost of any renewals:


Total contract value council is approving if all renewals exercised:


For Amendments/Renewals Extensions:

Is this a change to cost/pricing; length of term; terms unrelated to time or price (List all that apply)?


If length changing

What was the length of the term of the original contract?

Term is associated with the GMP and is not being amended with this contract.


What is the length of the extension/renewal?


What is the revised total term of the contract?


If cost changing

What was the original value of the entire contract prior to this proposed change?


What is the value of the proposed change?


What is the new/revised total value including change?


If terms changing

Describe the change and the reason for it (i.e. compliance with state law, different way of doing business etc.)