Finance Item/Grant Request Template
Date Submitted: 08-29-17
Requesting Agency: Budget and Management office, Arts and Venues
* Name: Erik Clarke
* Phone: 720-913-5083
* Email:
* Name: Frank Delmonte
* Phone: 720-865-4233
* Email:
Item Title & Description:
(Do not delete the following instructions)
These appear on the Council meeting agenda. Initially, the requesting agency will enter a 2-3 sentence description. Upon bill filling, the City Attorney's Office should enter the title above the description (the title should be in bold font).
Both the title and description must be entered between the red "title" and "body" below. Do not at any time delete the red "title" or "body" markers from this template.
A bill for an ordinance making an appropriation within the Denver Arts and Venues Special Revenue Fund.
Approves a $6.9 million supplemental budget appropriation request for Denver Arts & Venues from the Arts and Venues Special Revenue Fund to cover the costs of additional events in City venues due to higher than expected event space utilization for 2017. The Committee approved filing this bill by consent on 9-5-17.
Affected Council District(s) or citywide? Citywide
Executive Summary with Rationale and Impact:
Detailed description of the item and why we are doing it. This can be a separate attachment.
The Budget and Management office is requesting a supplemental for $6,900,000 from the Arts and Venues Special Revenue Fund 15815/3050000 to cover the costs of increased events over those budgeted in 2017; these event related expenses include stagehands, janitorial services, ushers, security expenses, etc. This increase is offset by $13,600,000 in increased revenue to the SRF, predominantly from Red Rocks, Coliseum, and the Arts Complex (Buell Theatre and Ellie Caulkins). Finally, the request does not impact the General Fund.
Type (choose one: Grant; Supplemental; ...
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