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File #: 22-0425    Version: 1
Type: Bill Status: Passed
File created: 4/12/2022 In control: Land Use, Transportation & Infrastructure Committee
On agenda: 6/6/2022 Final action: 6/6/2022
Title: A bill or an ordinance changing the zoning classification for multiple properties in the 38th & Blake station area to remove the 38th and Blake Station Area Incentive Overlay District (IO-1) and adjust underlying base zone districts. Approves a legislative map amendment to rezone multiple properties in the 38th & Blake station area to remove the 38th & Blake Incentive Overlay District (IO-1) and adjust underlying base zone districts for certain properties in Council District 9. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 4-26-22.
Indexes: Zach Rothmier
Attachments: 1. BR22 0425 Ordinance Request Form - 2022I-00029_MapAmendment_For Filling, 2. BR22 0425 Referral Agency Review Form - Survey, 3. BR22 0425 22i-00029_Legal_Description_Final, 4. 1-CB22-xxxx_EHA_Ordinance_DRAFT_20220408 4.13.2022, 5. 2-DZC_EHA_Amendment_04192022_LUTI_Draft_CLEAN, 6. 3-22i-00029 38th & Blake EHA Rezoning Proposal, 7. 4-DZC_EHA_Amendment_04192022_LUTI_Draft_RED, 8. 5-EHA Written Comments through March 30 2022, 9. 6-38th & Blake Comments through March 30 2022, 10. 7-Public Engagement Summary, 11. 8-EHA_Full_Policy_Approach_March_2022, 12. 9-Denver EHA Feasibility Analysis 9-28-21, 13. EHA_TextAmd_2022I-00029_38thBlake_LUTI_SR_04_14_2022, 14. LUTI_EHA_PPT_April_18_2022_V1, 15. LUTI_PPT_April_18_2022_ForPDF-With Appendix, 16. 22-0425 Filed Bill_38th and Blake Station_map_DRAFT_20220502, 17. 22-0425 Filed Bill_38th and Blake Station_map, 18. 22-0425 - signed, 19. 22-0425

Other/Miscellaneous Request Template (Appointments; ROW; Code Changes; Zoning Action, etc.)


Date Submitted: 4-11-2022


Requesting Agency: Community Planning & Development



Subject Matter Expert Name: Analiese Hock                                                    
Email Address:                                                
Phone Number:


Item Title & Description:

(Do not delete the following instructions)

These appear on the Council meeting agenda. Initially, the requesting agency will enter a 2-3 sentence description. Upon bill filling, the City Attorney’s Office should enter the title above the description (the title should be in bold font).


Both the title and description must be entered between the red “title” and “body” below.  Do not at any time delete the red “title” or “body” markers from this template.


A bill or an ordinance changing the zoning classification for multiple properties in the 38th & Blake station area to remove the 38th and Blake Station Area Incentive Overlay District (IO-1) and adjust underlying base zone districts.

Approves a legislative map amendment to rezone multiple properties in the 38th & Blake station area to remove the 38th & Blake Incentive Overlay District (IO-1) and adjust underlying base zone districts for certain properties in Council District 9. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 4-26-22.



Affected Council District(s) or citywide? Council District 9


Executive Summary with Rationale and Impact:

Detailed description of the item and why we are doing it. This can be a separate attachment.

The proposed legislative rezoning is paired with amendments to the Denver Zoning Code and Denver Revised Municipal Code (under separate ordinance requests) to implement the recommendations of the Expanding Housing Affordability program. The rezoning will eliminate the 38th & Blake Incentive Overlay District (IO-1) and adjust underlying base zone districts for certain properties within the current IO-1 area.



C-MX-3, DO-7, IO-1 C-MX-3, UO-1, UO-2, DO-7, IO-1 C-MX-5, DO-7, IO-1 C-MX-5, UO-2, DO-7, IO-1 C-MX-5, UO-1, UO-2, DO-7, IO-1 C-MX-8, DO-7, IO-1 C-MX-8, UO-1, DO-7, IO-1 C-MX-8, UO-2, DO-7, IO-1 C-MX-5, UO-1, UO-2, DO-7, IO-1 C-MX-12, DO-7, IO-1 C-MX-12, UO-1, DO-7, IO-1 C-MX-12, UO-2, DO-7, IO-1 I-MX-3, DO-7, IO-1 I-MX-3, UO-2, DO-7, IO-1 I-MX-5, UO-2, DO-7, IO-1 I-MX-8, DO-7, IO-1 I-MX-8, UO-2, DO-7, IO-1


C-MX-3, DO-7 C-MX-3, UO-1, UO-2, DO-7 C-MX-5, DO-7 C-MX-5, UO-2, DO-7 C-MX-5, UO-1, UO-2, DO-7 C-MX-8, DO-7 C-MX-8, UO-1, DO-7 C-MX-8, UO-2, DO-7 C-MX-5, UO-1, UO-2, DO-7 C-MX-12, DO-7 C-MX-12, UO-1, DO-7 C-MX-12, UO-2, DO-7 I-MX-3, DO-7 I-MX-3, UO-2, DO-7 I-MX-5, UO-2, DO-7 I-MX-8, DO-7 I-MX-8, UO-2, DO-7 I-MX-12, UO-2, DO-7



Address/Location (if applicable): 38th and Blake St. station area


Legal Description (if applicable):


Denver Revised Municipal Code (D.R.M.C.) Citation (if applicable):


Draft Bill Attached?