| 1 | | Bill | Passed | A bill for an ordinance designating 555 East 8th Avenue as a structure for preservation.
Approves an individual Denver landmark designation for property located at 555 East 8th Avenue in Council District 10. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 12-21-21. | approved for filing | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Bill | Passed | A bill for an ordinance changing the zoning classification for 555 East 8th Avenue in Capitol Hill.
Approves a map amendment to rezone property from PUD 34 to G-MU-3, UO-3 (planned development to general multi-unit), located at 555 East 8th Avenue in Council District 10. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 12-21-21. | approved for filing | Pass |
Action details