| 1 | | Bill | Passed | A bill for an ordinance changing the zoning classification for 689 West 39th Avenue, 700 West 40th Avenue, and 725 West 39th Avenue in Globeville.
Approves an official map amendment to rezone property located at 689 West 39th Avenue, 700 West 40th Avenue, and 725 West 39th Avenue from I-B, UO-2 and I-A, UO-2 to C-MX-20 (industrial to commercial-mixed use) in Council District 9. The Committee approved filing this bill at its meeting on 4-4-17. | approved for filing | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Bill | Passed | A bill for an ordinance changing the zoning classification for 3505-3507 West 3rd Avenue and 332 Lowell Boulevard in Barnum.
Approves an official map amendment to rezone property located at 3505-3507 West 3rd Avenue and 332 Lowell Boulevard from E-SU-Dx to CMP-EI2 (adding to the existing campus and unifying the zone district) in Council District 3. The Committee approved filing this bill at its meeting on 4-4-17. | approved for filing | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Bill | Passed | A bill for an ordinance changing the zoning classification for 2880 West Holden Place, 1155 North Decatur Street, 1201 North Decatur Street and 1101 North Decatur Street in Sun Valley.
Approves an official map amendment to rezone property located at 2880 West Holden Place, 1155 North Decatur Street, 1201 North Decatur Street and 1101 North Decatur Street from PUD 487 to C-MX-5, (planned development to commercial-mixed use) in Council District 3. The Committee approved filing this bill at its meeting on 4-4-17. | approved for filing | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Adopted | A resolution granting a revocable permit to Sol W. Kutler to encroach into the right-of-way at 2590 Walnut Street.
Grants a revocable permit to Sol W. Kutler to encroach into the right-of-way with a new ADA ramp, existing stairs and a loading dock at 2590 Walnut Street in Council District 9. The Committee approved filing this resolution by consent on 4-4-17. | approved by consent | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Resolution | Adopted | A resolution laying out, opening and establishing as part of the City street system parcels of land as a public alley near the intersection of East Evans Avenue and South Lafayette Street.
Dedicates a parcel of land as public right-of-way as public alley located at the intersection of East Evans Avenue and South Lafayette Street in Council District 6. The Committee approved filing this resolution by consent on 4-4-17. | approved by consent | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Bill | Passed | A bill for an ordinance approving the License between the City and County of Denver and Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. relating to relocation of a pipeline into City-owned land north of 56th Avenue in Stapleton.
Approves a license agreement to allow the Magellan Pipeline Company to construct and operate pipeline facilities in City-owned land in Stapleton north of 56th Avenue. The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 5-8-17. The Committee approved filing this bill by consent on 4-4-17. | approved by consent | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Resolution | Adopted | A resolution approving and providing for the execution of a proposed amendment to the Grant Agreement between the City and County of Denver and the State of Colorado, concerning the "Flood Mitigation at Sanderson Gulch" project and the funding therefor.
Adds $6,172,369 to the grant agreement with the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management for a new total of $6,172,370 for partial funding of flood mitigation and infrastructure improvements on Sanderson Gulch from South Lipan Street and extending southeast to the confluence of the South Platte River in Council District 7 (201628916). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 5-15-17. The Committee approved filing this resolution by consent on 4-4-17. | approved by consent | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Resolution | Adopted | A resolution approving a Grant Agreement between the City and County of Denver and the State of Colorado, concerning the "Flood Mitigation at Sanderson Gulch" project and the funding therefor.
Approves a grant agreement with the State of Colorado and the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) for $881,767 and for two years to partially fund flood mitigation and infrastructure improvements of Sanderson Gulch, located near South Platte River Drive between West Florida Avenue and South Jason Street in Council District 7 (201733801). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 5-15-17. The Committee approved filing this resolution by consent on 4-4-17. | approved by consent | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Bill | Failed | A bill for an ordinance approving a proposed Amendment to Agreement between the City and County of Denver and Urban Drainage and Flood Control District regarding flood control improvements for Sanderson Gulch Lipan Street to South Platte River.
Amends an intergovernmental agreement with Urban Drainage and Flood Control District by adding $1 million for a new total of $2.6 million to partially fund flood control improvements along Sanderson Gulch from Lipan Street to the South Platte River to reduce risk of flooding from 10, 25, 50 and 100-year storm events in Council District 7 (201523631). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 6-26-17. The Committee approved filing this bill by consent on 4-4-17. | approved by consent | |
Action details
Not available