| 1 | | Resolution | Adopted | A resolution approving a proposed Fourth Amendatory Agreement between the City and County of Denver and Spector Development, LLC to correct the legal description, allow 3 residential units to be converted from rental to for-sale, modify affordability requirements of residential rental and for-sale income-qualified units, adjust the loan terms, allow an assumption of the loan, forgive default interest, and change the subordination limit for a mixed-use development located at 910 Santa Fe Drive in Council District 3.
Amends the agreement with Spector Development, LLC to correct the legal description, allow 3 residential units to be converted from rental to for-sale, modify affordability requirements of residential rental and for-sale income-qualified units, adjust the loan terms, allow an assumption of the loan, forgive $240,000 default interest, and change the subordination limit for a mixed-use development located at 910 Santa Fe Drive in Council District 3 (HOST-202161652-04). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 9-26-2022. The Committe | approved for filing | Pass |
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| 1 | | Presentation | Presentation | Discussion of Safety and Security at Denver Union Station | | |
Action details
| 1 | | Bill | Passed | A bill for an ordinance approving a proposed Fourth Amendatory Agreement between the City and County of Denver and Tri-County Health Department, to increase equitable access to healthy, affordable foods.
Amends an Intergovernmental Agreement with Tri-County Health Department by adding $84,075 for a new total $869,385 and six months for a new end date of 12-31-2022 for collaborative assistance to continue building food systems and neighborhood environments to increase equitable access to healthy, affordable foods as part of the Food In Communities (FIC) program, citywide (201842560-01/ 202264451). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 10-24-2022. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 8-24-2022. | approved by consent | Pass |
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