Finance Item/Grant Request Template
Date Submitted: 2-22-21
Requesting Agency: Finance
Subject Matter Expert Name:
Name: Rachel Bardin and Seth Kelly |
Email: and |
Item Title & Description:
(Do not delete the following instructions)
These appear on the Council meeting agenda. Initially, the requesting agency will enter a 2-3 sentence description. Upon bill filling, the City Attorney’s Office should enter the title above the description (the title should be in bold font).
Both the title and description must be entered between the red “title” and “body” below. Do not at any time delete the red “title” or “body” markers from this template.
A bill for an ordinance making rescissions from and appropriations in the General Fund.
Approves a rescission from General Fund Contingency of $350,000 to provide a supplemental appropriation in the Department of Excise and Licenses to support the implementation of new marijuana hospitality business licenses and marijuana delivery licenses and to modernize all marijuana license types to allow online submission; and authorizes the appropriation of $120,000 in General Fund Contingency for new revenue to be generated in 2021 through the new marijuana licenses.
Affected Council District(s) or citywide? Citywide
Executive Summary with Rationale and Impact:
Detailed description of the item and why we are doing it. This can be a separate attachment.
The Department of Excise and Licenses is submitting two companion bill requests to amend the Denver Revised Municipal Code to allow for the licensing and operation of retail marijuana hospitality businesses and marijuana delivery permits and to make updates to the Denver Revised Municipal Code in Chapter 6, Article V- Denver Marijuana Code.
This bill request authorizes a supplemental appropriation in EXL for $350,000 to support one-time investments in Accela, the software EXL uses for permits, licenses, and code enforcement. Changes to Accela will be required to support the administration of the new marijuana licenses as well as ensuring all marijuana licenses are able to be administered online. These costs were not budgeted in 2021 because the new marijuana licenses had not yet been authorized when the 2021 budget was finalized.
Additionally, this bill request increases General Fund Contingency by $120,000 to reflect the new revenue from the marijuana licenses that was not anticipated in the 2021 budget.
As of this submission, no supplemental appropriations have been approved. The 2021 General Fund Contingency is budgeted at $26,095,000. If this bill request is approved, General Fund Contingency will be $25,865,000, a net decrease of $230,000 due to the appropriation of $120,000 from new marijuana license revenue, which is offset by the rescission of $350,000 to provide a supplemental appropriation to Excise and Licenses.
Type (choose one: Grant; Supplemental; Fund Creation; Fund Rescission; Fund Transfer; Appropriation; Other): Supplemental
Budget Year:
Fund and Funding Source (Fund/Org/Grant Number, if applicable):
Grantor (if applicable):
Fund Matching Requirements (if applicable):
Fiscal Impact: