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File #: 25-0079    Version: 1
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
File created: 1/17/2025 In control: Business, Arts, Workforce, Climate & Aviation Services Committee
On agenda: 2/10/2025 Final action: 2/10/2025
Title: A resolution approving a proposed Agreement between the City and County of Denver and The Lipski Group Inc. concerning fabrication and installation services of a new public artwork titled, "The Stars and the Cottonwood Tree", as part of the Great Hall Completion Project at Denver International Airport. Approves a public art contract with Lipski Group Inc. for $3,590,500.00 and for three years for the fabrication and installation services of a new public artwork titled, "The Stars and the Cottonwood" as part of the Great Hall Completion Project at Denver International Airport in Council District 11 (PLANE-202475176). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 3-3-2025. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 1-29-2025.
Indexes: Melissa Mata
Attachments: 1. RR25-0079_DEN_Lipski Group_PublicArt_16Jan2025, 2. DEN_Donald Lipski PLANE-202475176_Final_01.29.25.pdf, 3. 25-0079 Contract_The Lipski Group Inc. - 202475176, 4. 25-0079 Filed Resolution_The Lipski Group Inc., 5. 25-0079 Filed Resolution_The Lipski Group Inc., 6. 25-0079_signed.pdf

Other/Miscellaneous Request Template (Appointments; ROW; Code Changes; Zoning Action, etc.)


Date Submitted: 1-27-2025


Requesting Agency: DEN



Subject Matter Expert Name: Kevin Forgett
Email Address:
Phone Number:


Item Title & Description:

(Do not delete the following instructions)

These appear on the Council meeting agenda. Initially, the requesting agency will enter a 2-3 sentence description. Upon bill filling, the City Attorney’s Office should enter the title above the description (the title should be in bold font).


Both the title and description must be entered between the red “title” and “body” below.  Do not at any time delete the red “title” or “body” markers from this template.


A resolution approving a proposed Agreement between the City and County of Denver and The Lipski Group Inc. concerning fabrication and installation services of a new public artwork titled, “The Stars and the Cottonwood Tree”, as part of the Great Hall Completion Project at Denver International Airport.

Approves a public art contract with Lipski Group Inc. for $3,590,500.00 and for three years for the fabrication and installation services of a new public artwork titled, “The Stars and the Cottonwood” as part of the Great Hall Completion Project at Denver International Airport in Council District 11 (PLANE-202475176). The last regularly scheduled Council meeting within the 30-day review period is on 3-3-2025. The Committee approved filing this item at its meeting on 1-29-2025.



Affected Council District(s) or citywide?

Council District 11

Executive Summary with Rationale and Impact:

Detailed description of the item and why we are doing it. This can be a separate attachment.


Address/Location (if applicable):


Legal Description (if applicable):


Denver Revised Municipal Code (D.R.M.C.) Citation (if applicable):


Draft Bill Attached?